The great pyramid passages and chambers

PLATE CIII. present. Wooden doors have been fitted into the openings of the particular tombs used by Professor Smyth, but as they were locked we were unable to view the inside.

441 As it was dark, I was unable to photograph these tombs, but on a former occasion I secured a picture of the doorlike entrances of some rock-hewn tombs situated

Rock-hewn tombs to the west of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh; showing their door-like entrances.

not far from the west base of the Great Pyramid—Plate CIII. We have not had time to visit many of the tombs, and I am therefore unable to say much about them ; but in one of those shown in the photograph, we noticed a deep well-like shaft descending perpendicularly to a considerable depth from the floor of the squarely-cut chamber, and much resembling the Well-shaft in the Great Pyramid. I understand that these tomb-shafts are very numerous, and that they have several tiers of passages and chambers branching out from them in different directions.

442 I require to close this letter rather abruptly, as Jack is now going to Cairo and will post it. We received a telegram from Port Said at 9-30 this morning (it is now Sunday), saying that John, Grace and Stanley are on their way here. Evidently Stanley has recovered sufficiently to come on. A large tent about 18 feet in diameter is being erected for them—quite a village of tents now. But I must close.

Love to all, Your loving brother, MORTON EDGAR.

P.S.—Jack sends his love. He greatly enjoys being here,

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