Towards democracy

The Trysting 419

‘or throws his band off, to change his wheel for another ; or jgoes to the fire to examine some blades which are heating in “& tray oyer it.

Curt is the talk (of fancy-backs, rattlers, sours and wasters, tangs and heels and shoulders), for the noise is too great, and the strain, for much beyond monosyllables.

Dingy the den and dense the grit that settles thick upon everything.

Yet at last out of it all, out of this primitive scene, emerges something so “finished, so subtly perfect—

A razor, keen and brilliant, a very focus of light in the whole shop, with swift invisible edge running true from heel to point, and ringing so clear to the twang of the thumb-nail ‘on it—

Emerges (his work done) a figure with dusty cap and light curls escaping from under it, large dove-grey eyes and Dutch-featured face of tears and laughter,

(So subtle, so rare, so finished a product,)

A man who understands and accepts all human life and character,

: Keen and swift of brain, heart tender and true, and low voice ringing so clear,

And my dear comrade.


AR over the hills, ten miles, in the cloudless summer morning,