Srpski sion
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“Srpski Sion” was a weekly for religious-educational and autonomous needs of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Karlovci. Georgije Brankovic, the Serbian Patriarch, was the owner of the journal and Sava Petrovic was its first editor. The journal was published from January 7th 1891 to May 25th 1908 when it was banned. It changed its publication places. It was published in Novi Sad (from 1891 to 1894) and in Sremski Karlovci (from 1895 to 1908). In addition to Sava Petrovic, the editors were Sergije Sakrak Ninic, Jovan Jeremic and in the end Dimitrije Ruvarac. The journal contained official records, sermons and it seldom had articles. When Dimitrije Ruvarac was the editor, the number of articles, reviews, scientific appendices whose role was to send a religious message and promote spirituality increased.
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