The great pyramid passages and chambers



Train en route for Catro. Sunday, 11th July, 1909.

DEAR BRETHREN,— Yesterday at 5 p.m. we bade good-bye to the Holy Land, and about an hour later it faded away in the distance. Grace, Stanley and I were there 16 days in all. We landed at Jaffa on Friday, 25th June, at 7 a.m., and we left yesterday, 10th July (Saturday) at 5 p.m. Barring our sickness and the mosquitoes, we had a very

Dr. Schick’s Model of the Mosque of Omar, and the Temple Area; looking north-west.

pleasant time. The air at Jerusalem is fresh, except in the narrow, dirty streets.

444 The population of Jerusalem is about 100,000, and the proportion of Jews is said to be about three-fourths. All are agreed that it is within only the last few years that so many Jews have settled in the Holy Land, and now that the Turkish Constitution has been granted, and a new Sultan enthroned, they expect, because of the increased liberty which is already apparent, that the influx of Jews will continue to increase. As there is no longer room within the city proper for such a large growth of the population, many colonies of Jews, as also most of the Europeans, the Missionaries, Consuls and others,