Bitef, Jan 01, 1973, page 9
avangardnih trupa sveta koja su u svojim sredinama izazvala izuzetnu pažnju, a često već imala odjek izvan granica svoje zemlje. posebni značaj bitef je ove godine posvetio stvaralastvu miroslava krleïe. sreéna je okolnost da je u povodu njegovog jubileja njegovo delo ~ g oigo ta“ pružilo pviliku jugoslovenskom reditelju bogdanu jerkoviéu da pronade novi izraz koji je na liniji najboljih tendencija na bitefu.
i pored toga što je tokom sedam godina postojanja prikazano preko stotinu predstava, bitef i dalje nastoji da prikaze predstave iz zemalja koje do sada nisu bile zastupljene ua bitefu. tako ove godine prvi put dolaze trupe iz susedne austrîje, iz kanade, zutimpredstavnici dve neangazovane zemlje kao sto su nigerija i Senegal, u želji da proširi svoju publiku izvan kruga pozorisnih struénjaka, kao i ranijih sezona, pored saradnje sa televizijom, bitef traîi nove prostore, kao što su fabriéka hala, velika dvorana dorna sindikata, radnički univerziteti, studentski centar, mesta gde stiée ne samo vécu negó i novu publiku.
isto tako bitef se morao opredeliti da dovede u beograd predstavu »kuéa moga oca« odin teatra jednog od najznačajnijih novatora evropske scene koja se po zamisli reditelja eugenia barbe prikazuje za mali broj gledalaca, kao ona vrsta umetnosti koja je danas za ograničeni broj gledalaca, a koja će rnožda veé sutra biti umetnost masovne publike.
bitef ée i ove godine okupiti svoju publiku na susrete sa stvaraocima i prikazati u ateljeu 212 nekoliko izlozbi likovnog stvaralastva novih tendencija.
ove godine ziri ée saéinjavati pozorisni kriticari kako iz naše tako i iz stranih zemalja koji budu pratili celokupni program 7 bitefa. prvi put publika bitefa ée putem ankete dodeliti zvanicnu nagradu bitefa najboljem ansamblu. (mira trailovié i jovan éirilov)
new theatrical trends 73
this year bitef will run on the general theme of new theatre tendencies, after three bitefs dedicated to special themes, the time has again come to offer the bitef public a wide panorama of new trends in the theatres of the world which vary so much that they cannot be forcibely subjected to any kind of formula, these new phenomena which are born daily in theatres throughout the world also take place in the ancient theatre houses of europe such as the burgtheater as well as the national ensembles of africa which base their art on ancient rituals, and in the new troupes born every season, which shine and either live on or die out as fast as they appeared.
this year the programme will have two forms: on the large stages of belgrade bitef will present the dramatic ensembles who seek new forms, basing their search on their own deeper traditions, in the tradition of the burgtheater, the teatral national of bucharets, the vigszinhaz, the schillert heater the citizens’ theatre of glasgow, or the french tradition of the companie du cothurne of lyons. within its project bitef 73 will acqaint its public with the latest searches of the avantgarde troupes throughout the world who,in their own surroundings have aroused exceptional attention, and often have gained fame, beyond the frontiers of their own countries, bitef has given special attention this year to the work of miroslav krleža. it is a happy coincidence that on the occasion of his anniversary „Golgota”, ofjered to one yugoslav director bog dan jerkovié, a chance of seeking a new expression, which is in line with the best tendencies of bitef.
during the seven years of existence, over a hundred performences have been given, and bitef continues to present plays from countries which have not yet been represented by it. thus, this year, for the first time, troupes from neighbouring austria will give performances, as well as those from canada, as also will representatives of two non-aligned countries: nigeria and Senegal. in the desire to enlarge its public beyond the theatrical experts, as was the case in previous seasons, in addition to cooperation with the television, bitef seeks new audiences, such as in the factory halls, the grand trade union hall, the labour universities, and the student centres: places where it acquires not merely a large public but a new public also.
bitef has decided to bring to belgrade the performance of the „house of my father” presented by the odin theatre, one of the most important inovators on the european stage which in the conception