Bitef, Sep 08, 1976, page 27
Sve predstave doju se и režiji glavnog remera pozorišta, Jurija Ljubimova. (N.L. Dupak, direkter moskovskogpozorišta drame i komedije na Taganki) ЖШ - я ... I have the honour of Кя I presenting to you one of ' ' ' the youngest collectives ЩШ Ш of Moscow the Na Taganke ВГ Jn Theatre for Drama and Comedy. 'V'aß This theatre is a product :Lw a 0 y ff wse interesting and importance processes taking place in social life and art at the present time. In the last years, Soviet theatre has been through a turbulent but fortunate period; with the universal support of the Party it was able to developt mature and grow many vital shoots. One of theses hoots is, the Na Taganke Theatre for Drama and Comedy. It came into being on 23 April 1964. And it happened like this: The well known Vahtangov actor, Yuri Ljubimov, together with the senior students of the Shchukin school, directed Bertolt Brecht’s play, » The Good Woman of Setzuan«. The performance, fresh and unusual as it was, was a big and lasting success. And then the question arose: was it a good idea to let the people who had created it disperse? Would it not be better to preserve the performance and prolong its life? This idea was expressed in the central newspapers by the wirier, K. Simonov, the most highly recognised Soviet scientists, D. Blohintsev, B. Pontekorvo and G. Flerov, as well as the popular artist, B. Babochkin. At the same time it was decided that the principal director of the theatre should be the distinguished artist of the Socialist Republic of Russia, Yuri Ljubimov, accompanied by his senior students. One cannot say that the task was easy. For theatre is not just a building with a stage and orchestra. It is above all a collective of people with similar ideas and preocccupied with the same aims, tasks and interests in life and art. The Theatre now has 18 performances in its repertoire. We shall present you three of them. You will be the judges of our experiments. So, we regard 23 April 1964 as our date of birth, when the Na Taganke Theatre presented the premiere of Brecht’s »Good Woman from Setzuan «. An important place in our repertoire is held by the performance »And Here the Dawns Are Quiet. . .« based on the story of the same name by B. Vasiljev. It is about the heroic deeds of our people in the great war of the fatherland. B. Vasiljev’s story is dedicated to a small episode a moment in the giant struggle for freedom of our fatherland; five youg girls in the anti-aircraft artillery and their officer Fiodor Jevgrafich Vaskov, find themselves due to the circumstances of the war on the advanced front. Off on a search for two
commandos they unexpectedly come face to face with 16 heavily armed Fascists, But there is no question of what should be done for there is only one answer: there is no room in our country for enemies. One after the other the girls are killed gaining, however at the cost of their lives precious minutes for the final victory. How many books have been written on this subject, how many films and plays produced! But people retain so many memories about the war that the theme is inexhaustible and ever up to date. All that is necessary is that it be entrusted to the hands of a veritable artist. We shall present to you William Shakespeare’s immortal tragedy, »Hamlet« in the translation by Boris Pasternak. Vladimir Visotski plays the lead role. Finally, we shall play for you » Ten Days that Shook the World « based on the book of the same name by John Reed an excellent American communist and an enthusiastic supporter of the October Revolution. This play has been produced like a popular performance » with pantomime circus clowning and shooting in the air«. It represents a return to the traditions of the early anniversaries of the October Revolution to performances for the masses and » Blue Blues « programmes, using the suggestive means of agitation posters. The objectives of the Theatre with this play were to create, an image of the heroic pathos of the Revolution, prove Lenin right and justify the Revolution as well as to brand and mercilessly ridiculize the enemies of the Revolution who try in vain to reverse history. All the plays are directed by the principal director of the theatre, Yuri Ljubimov. (Director of the Na Taganke, Theatre for Drama and Comedy, Moscow, N.L. Dupak)
hamlet » Hamleta « od Šekspira, u prevodu Bosira Pasternaku, reïirao je и pozorištu na Taganki Jurij Ljubimov. Već na samom početku predstave na bini se pojav [juju radoznali, aktivni i vedri grobari. Spretno i hitro bave se oni svojim zanatom, izbacujući lopaíama na bina zgrudvanu zemlju zajedno si raspadnutim
lobanjama. Sa puno zalaganja, tokom cele akcije, vuku oni s kraju na kraj bine mrtvacki sanduk, pretvarajuéi ga na hr zu тки cas и pozorišnu naslonjacu, čas и ležaj kraljice Gertrude. Kako za koga, ali za grabare je ovde puno posła. I, evo, pokreće se zavesa od grubog vunenog pletiva, praveči odjednom najkomplikovanije radnje pleteni vuneni zid čas se polaka i preteći nadvija nad ljudima, cas ih iznenadnim i naglim pokretom ohara i oni ostaju nemoćno da le je, iz ocajanja Hi straha. Ili, pak, heroji se и tu zavesu zapliču, a