Bitef, Jan 01, 2009, page 215
Četvrtak, 24. September
Thursday, 24 September
17:00 (50')
HODNICI ŽUTI, PURPURNI, PLAVI, Radionica Integracije, Beograd, Srbija CORRIDORS YELLOW, PURPLE, BLUE, Workshop of integrations, Belgrade, Serbia
Bitef Polifonija Bitef Polyphony
Radionica Integracije
Veče zatvaranja / Closing night
Bilef Art Cafe
After Ten Party
Petak, 25. September
Friday, 25 September
ZA ODRASTANJEBEZ NASIUA, prezentacija projekata i završni okrugli sto TOWARD GROWING-UP WITHOUT VIOLENCE, presentation of the projects and final round table
17:00 (2h)
Bitef Polifonija Bitef Polyphony
Pozorište „Boško Buha"
Karl Marx: DAS KAPITAL, prvi tom, Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, Diseldorf, Nemačka Karl Marx; DAS KAPITAL, erster band, Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany
20:00 (2h)
Glavni program Main Programme
Jugoslovemko dramsko pozorište
Subota, 26. September
Saturday, 26 September
ENPARTS na Bitefu ENPARTS on Bitef
BURE BARUTA, Deutsches Theater, Berlin, Nemačka DAS PULVERFASS, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Germany
Sava Center
September 1 6th to 25th
Od 16 . do 25. septembre
12:00-15:00 Kreativne radionice mapiranja „Deset godina postojanja Bitef Polifonije" i otvoren multidisciplinarni interaktivni projekat „Heiijum simfonija" Creative mapping workshops "Ten years of the existence of Bitef Poyphony" and open multidisciplnary interactive project "Helium Symphony" Mesto izvođenja/Venue: Centar za kulturu "Stari grad", Kapetan Mišina 6a
Bitef Polifonija Bitef Polyphony