A B C of modern socialism, page 80

76 guaranteed workmanship and materials; a price, determined by cost and not by profit.

By what means would disputes be settled as regards the four relations into which a Guild may enter?

Excluding criminal and such civil cases as properly belong to law in general (for each Guild member would also be a citizen) the means of settling disputes with the State have already been defined.

How would members’ disputes be settled?

Members would have the right of trial and appeal by a series of Guild courts, mounting through their own Guild congress up to the House of Industry.

How would disputes with other Guilds be settled ?

By joint conference, reference to the House of Industry and by final appeal to the State in Guild council.

How would disputes with the public be settled?

By public opinion or by the State.

Besides abolishing the wage system and thereby saving the proletariat from a worse slavery, what other advantages has the National Guild system?

The chief is the liberation of spiritual energy that would spring from the establishment of human equality. All other advantages are included in that.

Are there any disadvantages?

Many disadvantages can be and will be urged against the National Guild system, but only by those who fail to realise the horrors of wage servitude and the inevitability of its transformation into something much worse (the Servile State) or much better.