A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Meditations and Contemplations. xxxiil

of the holy fecond principle, being a fifth form and quinteflence, turning by the fupreme tindture, everlafting dying, into eternal life, and regenerating a holy bright child, out of a Corrupt, dark impure mother. Again, what can the fummit of felfith fkill, fharpeft {peculation and penetration into divine facred myfteries avail, if thou arrive not into the holy felf-fame principle by mortification and the firft refurrection? what fhort of that can make thee better than the devils? what can the exacteft form of godJinefs advantage thee more than it doth him, who can transform himfelf into an angel of light?

Then (O my foul) proceed on to meekne(fs, integrity, faith and love in holy fear till thou come to the feet of thy Jefus: Or move not at all, but remain a {wine, a dog, a beaft, inwardly a devil ; for if thou goeft part of the way only, thy fall as of a ftone from a high place is the moft heavy, but to perfevere
