A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained, page 407

‘Was taken from bim. 107

mourns that it muft bear a beaftial form on the body. :

7- Two fixt and ftedfaft effences were in Adam [at the time his luft threw him into his fleep or fwoon] namely, the {piritual body of the love effentiality of the inward heaven; which was God’s temple: and the outward body, namely, the limus of the pure earth, which was the manfion and habitation of the inward fpiritual body : which was in no wife manifeft according to the vanity of the earth; for it was a limus an extract of the pure good part of the earth; which at the laft judgment fhall be fevered in the earth, from the vanity, from the curfe, and from the corruption of the devil.

8. Thefe two, namely, the inward heavenly being and the outward heavenly being, were mutually efpovfed to each other, and formed into one body, wherein was the moft holy tinéture of the fire and light, namely, the great joyful love defire, which did inflame the love eflénce, fo that both effences did ardently love each other, and defire each other in the love effence : the inward loved the outward as its manifeftation; and the outward loved the inward
