A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Adam ordained to the ontward Life. 11%

2. And Mofes fays ‘* God caufed a deep <© fleep to fall upon the man, and he flept, «< and he took one of the ribs out of his fide, « and made [or built] a woman thereof, and «© clofed up the place with fiefh.” Motes fays, the woman was made of a mb out of Adam’s fide, who will underftand this without divine light? for here lies the vail before the brightnefs of Mofes’s face, by reafon of the unworthinefs of the beaftial man.

3. For we find, that the woman was taken and formed inthe Fiat out of Adam’s eflence; outof his body and foul. But the rib betokens Adam’s diffolutian or breaking; namely, that this body fhould. and would be deftroyed ; forin the place of this rib Longinus’s {pear mutt afterwards, when Chrift was crucified, enter into the fame, and tincture and heal the breach in the wrath of God with heavenly blood.

4. Now when Adam’s hunger was fet after the earthlinefs ; ic did by its magnetick power, imprefs into his fair image, the vanity of evil and good; whereupon the heavenly image of the angelical world’s effence did difappear; as if a man fhould infinuate fome ftrange matter into a burning and light-fhining candle, whereby it fhould be-
