A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained


Prin. r. The Spring or Fountain of Darknefs. Prin. 2. The Virtue [or Power] of Light.

Prin. 3. The Out-Birth [generated] out of the Darknefs by the Power of the Light.

Reprefented by Sim1L1TUDE.

1. Man’s Soul, giving Reafon and Thoughts, fignifies the Farker.

2. The Light fhewing the Power of the Soul and how to direét it, reprefents the Sox.

3. The Mind refulting from this Light and governing the Body, refembles the Holy Ghof.


1. The Darknefs in us which longs after the Light, isthe - - - Firft Principle. 2. The Virtue of the Light whereby we fee intellectually, isthe Second Priaciple. 3. The longing Power proceeding from the mind, and that attracts or impregnates itfelf, whence grows the material Body, isthe - - - - - Third Principle

And note, There is an Inclofure or Stop between each Principle. See Chap. VII. of J. B. Book called The Three Principles, Verle 21, 22, 23.