A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

What kind of Principle eternal Nature is. 45

ties of eternal Nature, which do bring all that into act and exiftence, which in the divine will and mind, is only in purpofe and idea.

What kind of Principle eternal Nature 1S.

I fhall next fhew you, what kind of principle eternal Nature is.

Queft. If it be afked what kind of effence eternal Nature is ?

Anfw. 1. I anfwer firft, that it is a created effence, as is fufficieptly declared before.

Anfw. 2. Eternal Nature is an eternal efience, for whatfoever is immediately created by God out of the divine chaos, is eternal, becaufe it proceeds out of an eternal root; now fince eternal Nature is immediately brought from the abyffal chaos, it mutt confequently be eternal,

Anfw. 3. Eternal Nature is an original eflence, that is, 1T Is THE FIRST CREATED ESSENCE, out of whofe fruitful womb all CREATED ESSENCES doproceed: Itisthe fix? efjence of all effences, and the ground and fource of them. There is nothing above, before,
