A new approach to the Vedas : an essay in translation and exegesis


(arka). What was the foam (Sava) of the Waters, that solidified, that became Earth (prthivit). Thereon He, Self, strove (asvamayat). The FieryEnergy (tejas) and the Tincture (vasa) of his striving ($vdnta) and intension (tapta) broke forth (nivavartat) as Fire (agnt). 2.

The “first day of creation” is thus described as the reflection (abhasa) of a light-image (bhd-ritpa) in the mirror of the as yet undifferentiated possibilities of existence : that is the Sheen of Shining, arkasya arkatva, Dante’s “suo splendore . . . risplendendo,’’ Paradiso, XXIX, 14 and 15.2% Cf. Rg Veda, X, 82, 5 and 6, where the Several Angels are seen together (samapasyania) in One Projection (arpitam)?4 from the navel of the Unborn (i.e., Varuna) as he lies germinal (gavbha), recumbent (uttanapad) on the surface of the Waters: and Pavicavimsa Brahmana, VII, 8, 1: ‘“ Unto the Waters came their season. The Spirit stirred their back, therefrom became a fair-thing, Mitra-Varunau counter-saw (paryapasyata) themselves therein.” ‘He shines upon this world in the form of man,” imam lokamabhyarcat purusarupena, Aitareya Aranyaka, I1,2,1. Soin Genesis, “ the Spirit of God moved on the face of the Waters,” and “ He created man in his own image”: “by this reflection of his divine nature the intellect of the Father fashions or utters itself . . . his light, his flowing intellect to wit, was shining on this world-stuff wherein the world subsisted in the Father in uncreated formless simplicity,” Eckhart, I, 397 and 404: ‘‘ And this is the Image and Likeness of God, and our Image and our Likeness; for in it God reflects Himself and all things,’ Ruysbroeck, Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, 111,25 Dante, “ La gloria di colui che tutto move per l’universo penetra e risplende,” and “ quella circulazion, che si concetta pareva in te come