A new approach to the Vedas : an essay in translation and exegesis


abundant life, both here and now in the flesh, and therebeyond in eternity.

He, Death, Privation, willed (akadmayat) “ Let there be born (jayet) of Me a second Self ” (duitiya . atman). By means of the Intellect (manas) there came-about a carnal-knowledge (mithuna) of the wnspoken®® Word (vac). What was the seed (retas), that became the Year (samwvatsara). Ere that there was no Year. He let bear him for as long as is the Year, after that poured him forth (asyjata). When he was born (jaa), Death (mrtyu) yawned upon him. He gave out a cry (bham): ‘that became the spoken®® Word (vac). 4.

That is, Godhead already Selfed as Intellect, would go out further into existence. For by and in himself, the Father is an Intellect devoid of intellection, an Energy that does not energise: his paternity is only actualised by the filiation of aSon. The Year, Prajapati, the Horse, is the begotten Son of God. That is God's understanding of himself, I am that I am, the paternal Intellect’s conception of the maternal Word ; “ comprehension belongs to his paternal power,” Eckhart, I, 364. “The begotten (praja) is the combination (sandhi) of these conjoint principles, begetting (prajanana = maithuna) the means (sandhana),” Tatttirtya Up., I, 3, 3.

That the Year,*! Brahma-Prajapati, the Yaksa in the Tree of Life, the Cosmic Horse, mortal by nature and immortal in their essence are one and the same as God's only begotten Son incarnate, who died as Jesus but is from Eternity Christ and Logos in the bosom of the Father is A priori apparent from many points of view, for example in the procession by generation, and in the