A new approach to the Vedas : an essay in translation and exegesis


It is only in effect and tacitly, if not under protest, that with the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin, and Mariolatry generally, that Mother Nature, Wisdom, natura natuvans, Prakrti, Vac, Maya, is restored to her numinous bridal throne.

That is made explicit when Eckhart says that “it is God who has the treasure and the bride in him,” I, 381, “the Godhead wantons with the Word, I, 388, “from the Father’s embrace of his own nature comes the eternal playing of the Son,” I, 148, “‘ where personal understanding keeps to its unity of nature and has intercourse therewith, there the Father-nature has maternal names and is doing mother’s work, for it is exclusively mother’s work to receive the seed of the eternal Word,” and in the divine light “ stood Mary always, bearing her divine child,” I, 404, as naturally follows if we take it that Christ’s birth is eternal.” Nothing here contradicts that the Spirit is the common spiration, common love and mutual regard of the Three Persons.

With our Upanisad, I, 1, 2, tasya samudre yonth, “in the sea is his womb,’ may be compared St. Augustine, Sermonae, 124, processit . . . de utero virginalt; Eckhart’s “‘in the bare chamber of the virgin heart of their chosen vessel Mary . . . out of chaos a shining spiritual soul emerged,” I, 463, 464; and Petrarch, Vergine bella, che di sol vestita, coronata di stelle, al sommo sole piacesti st che’n te sua luce ascose, ““. . . to the Supernal Sun thou didst seem so fair, that in thee he hid his Light,”’ a noteworthy parallel to the many Vedi¢ passages in which the Angels are represented as seeking for the hidden Sun or Fire, and finding him reflected or brought to birth in the Waters. Dante, ‘‘ Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son... fixed goal of the eternal counsel . . . in thy womb was lit again the love under whose heat in the eternal peace this flower unfolded,’ Paradiso, XXXIII. A “ Tantrik”’ ideology of this kind is characteristically developed in