A new approach to the Vedas : an essay in translation and exegesis


later or popularly worshipped as independent persons : Sri-Laksmi presenting a similar case on the Mother-side. It is noteworthy that in the Brhad Devata, I, 69, and Nirukta, VII, 5, where the Trinity consists of Agni, Indra and Vayu, and Aditya, Indra and Vayu count as one person!*°: in the Byhadaranyaka Ub., IV, 2, 2, Indra is interpreted as “ Kindler” and as correlative to Viraj, “their place of conjunction is the space in the heart,” zbid., 3; in Tatttivtya Up., I, 6, 1.

Indra is “ individuality.” The accepted etymology connects indva with ind “to drop,” and indu “ drop” (especially a drop of soma1*1) or mathematical point, cf. bindu, parabindu, which “point” in yantra symbolism!*? represents the I-ness, ““I am,” ahavtkara, abhimanatva, “egoity’’ in Deity, and subjectivity generally. Indra, and Indra’s rather childish character become indeed most intelligible when he is thus regarded as a personification of the ego-principle, aham, abhimdana. That ego-principle in Deity, set up as an independent person, and usurping many of the divine functions, could have developed only as (x) the king of an inferior heaven, or (2) as a demon deliberately laying claim to the supernal throne. The latter development seems to have taken place in Christianity, in the case of Lucifer-Satan, and likewise in the Avesta, where Indra and daeva are demonic powers!33 (cf. Byhad Devata, VII, 54, “ having obtained sovereignty amongst the Daityas, puffed up with pride by reason of his titan-magic (asuva-mava) he began to harass the Angels’). The former development took place in India, though even here it may be observed that Indra constantly appears in the guise of a Tempter, jealous of his throne, and sending his nymphs to lead astray the saints on earth who might displace him.!** None but the warlike and arrogant Indra introduces elements of discord: in IV, 30, 3-5, he is represented as fighting against the heavenly powers, and it is only by theft or purchase that he gets possession of the heavenly soma