Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



VAdour. N. Pras: Le port de Bayonne. J. Lanta: L’élevage bovin dans les Bosses-Pyrénées. P.-G. Gramont: L’industrie de la chaussure en Béarn et en Pays Basque, G.-R. Chevry: L’utilisation des statistiques de structure relatives à l’industrie et au commerce. R. Passet: Les entreprises européennes devant V automation. REVUE DES NATIONS UNIES, Paris, 5e année No. 5, Mai 1956. Rapport du Secrétaire général sur sa mission au Proche-Orient. No 6, Juin 1956. Question de Palestine et question d’Algérie. No. 7, Juillet 1956. —La situation économique mondiale. No. 8. Août 1956. Travaux de la vingt-deuxième session du Conseil économique et social. No. 9, Septembre 1956. L’affaire du canal de Suez et les Nations Unies. RURAL SOCIOLOGY (Official Journal of the Rural Sociological Society, publiched at the University of Kentucky), Lexington, Vol. 21, No. I, March 1956. Wiliam H. Sewell: Some Observations on Theory Testing. —■ A. R. Mangus: Perspectives for Social Science Research in Mental Health. Russell R. Dynes: Rurality, Migration, and Sectarianism.— Louis H. Or zack: Preference and Prejudice Patterns among Rural and Urban Schoolmates. Kenneth L. Cannon and Ruby Gingles: Social Factors Related to Divorce Rates for Urban Counties in Nebrasca. Floyd Dotson and Lillian Ota Dotson: Urban Centralization and Decentralization in Mexico. Ronald Freedman and Deborah Freedman: Farm-Reared Elements in the Nonfarm Population, Olaf F. Larson, W. A. Anderson, T. Lynn Smith, and Afif I. Tannous: Social Values and Technical Cooperation Programs (A Symposium). SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of „Neue Zürcher Zeitung’’), Zurich, Vol. Vl, No. 4, July 1956. Salvador de Madariaga: Disarmament Talks. Eric Mettler: Eden’s Struggle to Keep Great Britain Great. Carlo Mötteli Ittaly’s Mezäogiorno A Large-Scale Project of Reconstruction. Hans E. Tütsch: More on the Problematic Middle East. F. E. Asching er: Government and Enterprise in India. No. 5. August 1956. Willy B.retscher: The Bad Stalin and the Good Lenin. Werner Imhoof and: Salomon Wolff: Atomic Energy for Peace. Fred Luchsinger: German Reunification and the Lost Areas in the East. Urs Schwarz: The New House of Councillors in JapanHans E. Tütsch: Report 'on Turkey. Jolanda Jacobi: Freud and JungMeeting and Parting, No. 6, September 1956. Urs Schwarz: The Suez Crisis. Willy Bretscher: Change and No Change in Moscow. Hans F. Tütsch : Israel and the Middle East. Friedrich Wlatnig: Austria’s Oil Fields. Schwarz: Swiss National Defense in the Atomic Age. Werner Imhoof: The Status of the Negro in the United States. Rudy H. Schlesinger: New York Stock Market Review. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, London, Vol. 160, № 953, July 1956. Претежни део броја посвећен je разликама у „атмосфечи“ бнглескаг и америчког друштва које долазе до изразкаја не само у књижвности већ исто тако у прилажењу друштвешш, политичном и другим питањима свакодневног живота. No. 954, August 1956. G. F. Hudson: The Heirs of StalinEdwin Samuel: Arab and Jew. Naomi Mitchison: Around and About Jerusalem.