Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



No. 10, 20 Mai 1960. W. Haller: Die Entscheidungsbefugnis der Agrarbehörden ausserhalb agrarischer Operationen. IV. Reishofer: "Bewährungshilfe” im Ausland und in Österreich. No. 11, 3. Juni 1960. E. C. Hellbling: Die Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten. ]. Piegler: Der Anspruch auf Kinderbeihilfe. E_ Fpregger: Die Problematik der ausdehnenden Interpretation in einigen praktisch bedeutsamen Fällen des Strafgesetzes. No. 12, 77. Juni 1960. A. Bueckling: Gebietshoheit über Himmelskörper. E. Kolb: Bundeshilfe nach Katastrophen. ' ÖSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ÖFFENTLICHES RECHT, Wien, Band JÇ, H. 2, 1960. H. W. Fasching: Die Aufgaben der internationalen und übernationalen Gerichtsbarkeit. W. Leisner: Die Verfassungsgesetzgebung in der italienischen staatsrechtlichen Tradition ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der "starren' Verfassung.. ]. Wröblewski: The Relativity of Juridical Concepts. 5. Lessona: Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft und Verw altungslehre. OSAKA UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, Toyonaka, No. 8, 1960. K. Osakadani: Outline of Legal Construction of the Japanese Securities Investment Trust Act N. Obuchi: United Nations and War. T. Nakano: Japanese Corporate Reorganization. THE POLITICAL QUARTERLY, London, Vol. 31, No. 1, JanuaryMarch 1960. Editorial: Britain’s Policy of Defence. T. E. M. McKitterick: What are British Interests? H. Thomas: Disarmament Dream or Reality? R. Coold-Adams: Conventional Forces and British Defence Policy. A. Buchan: Britain and the Nuclear Deterrent. —■ D. Healey: Interdependence. A. C. L. Day: The Economics of Defence. M. Howard: Central Defence Organisation in Great Britain, 1959. - Institute for Strategic Studies: The Military Strength of the U.S.S.R. and the NATO Powers. No. 2, April — June 1960. Editorial: The Eden Memoirs. S. K. Ruck: A Policy of Old Age. O. R. McGregor: The Stability of the Family in the Welfare State. X.: Reforming Company Law. M. D. Irish: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy The Quemoy Crisis of 1958. N. Jucker: The Italian State and the South. /. Singh: Communism in Kerala. POLIT IC AL SCIENCE (Department of Political Science and School of Public Administration Victoria University of Wellington), Vol. 12, No, 7. March 1960. R. H. Brookes: Electing Wellingtons City Council. J. H. Robb: The Role of Voluntary Welfare Organisation. D. C. Herron: The Franchise and New Zealand Politics, 1853-8. ■ —- E. Bohan: The 1879 General Elections in Canterbury. J. F. Milburn: Socialism and Social Reform in Ninteenth-Ceniury New Zealand. A. Mitchell: Fluoridation in Dunedin A Study of Pressure Croups and Public Opinion. POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY (Edited for the Academy of Political Science by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University), New York, Vol. LXXV, No. 1. March 1960. H. R. G. Greaves: Political Theory Today. Ph. C. Chapman: The New Conservatism Cultural Criticism V. Political Philosophy R. W. Opdahl: Soviet Agriculture since 1953. M. Howard: Civil-Military Relations in Great Britain and the United States. 1945 — 1958. J. P. C. Carey and A. C. Carey: Oil and Economic Development in Iran, Sh. B. Clough: Philanthropy and the Welfare State in Europe. K. J. Newman: The Dyarchic Pattern of Government and Pakistan’s Problems. In Memoriam: Vladimir Cregorieuitch Simkhovitch, Ragnar Nurkse, Ernest Jackh.