Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



à l’Histoire. M. Feraoun: Le dernier message. G. Tillion: Devant le malheur algérien. R. Quillioi: Un monde ambigu. P. H. Simon: La querelle scolaire. M. Corpierre: Tendances totalitaires au Ghana. No. 111, Mai 1960. R. Aron: La pente. G. F. Kennan: De la coexistence pacifique. R Massip: L’Europe a dix ans. —B. Souvarine: Khrouchlcheviana. No. 112, Juin 1960. G. Tillion: Démocratie et colonialisme I. La France en miettes. G. Vedel: De l’arbitrage à la mystique. A. Philip: Contre le poujadisme scolaire. T. Meraq: Tibor Déry. A. Blanchet: Les nationalismes africains frustrés d’une révolution? —O. Obry: Brasilia, capitale artificielle. A. Thiery: Le marché commun va-t-il brûler les étapes? PUBLIC FINANCE FINANCES PUBLIQUES. The Hague, Vol. XV, No. 1, 1960. /. W. McGuire:' The Inflationary Impact of Traditional Inflationary Monetary Policies. /. Guerin: Excise Taxation and Quality of Product. R. V. Cersdorff: La formation de capitaux par des mesures fiscales dans l’Empire Portugais. - D. Dosser: Linear Programming and Public Finance. O. Hauan: The Norwegian System of Taxation 1958. R. Bannink: The Incidence of Taxes and Premiums for Social Insurance on Family Budgets. QUADERNI DI SOCIOLOCIA, Torino. No. 35, Inverno 1960. F. Ferrarolti: Osservazioni intorno alia vita sociale della regione sarda (1956). L. Potestà: Nuovi orientamenti nella ieoria sociologica lo studio del "gruppo umano”. No. 36, Primavera 1960. F. Ferrarolti: Commemorazione di Adriano Olivetti. F . Cross: La ricerca di valori universali. E. Bartocci: Istituti aziendali e sindacato in Italia. ■ — G. Euangelisii: La sociologia nell’ université italiana. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS (Published by Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas.), Vol. LXXIV, No. 1, February 1960. ]. W. Angell: Uncertainty, Likelihoods and Investment Decisions. ■ — S. A. Ozga: Imperfect Markets Through Lack of Knowledge. ■ —- K. Miyazawa: Foreign Trade Multiplier, Input-Output Analysis and the Consumption Function. R. E. Baldwin: The Effect of Tariffs on International and Domestic Prices. C. E. Ferguson: On Theories of Acceleration and Growth. R. C. James: The Casual Labor Problem in Indian Manufacturing. H. M. Oliver, Jr.: German Neoliberalism. No. 2, May 1960. F. D. Holzman: Soviet Inflationary Pressures, 1928 1957 Causes and Cures. A. Smithies: Productivity, Real Wages, und Economic Growth. F. H. Hahn: The Stability of Growth Equilibrium. R. A. Mund ell: The Monetary Dynamics of International Adjustment under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates. D. R. Hodgman: Credit Risk and Credit Rationing. G. S. Tolley and V. 5. Hastings: Optimal Water Allocation The North Platte River —H. M. Levinson: Pattern Bargaining ■ — A Case Study of the Automobile Workers. R, Clower: Keynes and the Classics A Dynamical Perspective. THE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES (Journal of the Economic Study Society), Cambridge, Vol. XXVII, No. 73, February 1960. P. Newman: Complete Ordering and Revealed Preference. L. L. Pasinneiti: A Mathematical Formulation of the Ricardian System. B. Thalberg: The Market for Investment Goods. An Analysis where Time of Delivery Enters Explicitly. H. Atsumi: Mr. Kaldor’s Theory of Income Distribution. J. Tobin: Towards a General Kaldorian Theory of Distribution. N. Kaldor: A Rejoinder to Mr. Atsumi and Professor Tobin, H. Myint: The Demand Approach to Economic Development. R. D. Theocharis: On the Stability of the Cournot Solution on the Oligopoly Problem. H. J. Jaksch: A Regular Input-Output Model with Decreasing Marginal Returns.