Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung"), Vol. IX, No. 10, January 1960 - W. Bretscher: New Government in Berne. E. F. Aschinger: The Swiss Way Integration. H. E. Tütsch: Morocco. H. E. Tütsch: Tunisia. S. Wolff: Economic Reform in Spain. V. Meier: A Journey Through Western Poland. No. 11, February 1960. S. de Madariaga: Khrushchev’s Year. F. Luchsinger: The Forgotten Third Reich. H. E. Tütsch: Oil in Libya. M. Beer: The Changing United Nations. No. 12, March 1960. U. Schwarz: Disarmament Talks Resumed. H. E. Tütsch: Algeria. H. Heymann: Japans Economic Problems. F. Wlatnig: Austria Politics After the People’s Party Congress. E. Bieri: Modern Liberalism. A. Schaefer: Swiss Banking Secrecy Fact and Fiction. Vol. X, No. 1, April 1960, W. Bretscher: Switzerland and European Integration. E. F. Aschinger: Some American Errors in the Que tion of European Integration. R. Otlinger: European Integration in Agriculture. K. I. Trüb: Fishing and Farming in Japan, R. P, Hafter: The E~d of Belgium’s Colonial Rule. P. S. Andrews: Can Switzerland Show the Way? No. 2, May 1960. S. de Madariaga: The World His Stage. E. Berlolasi: Government and Business in Italy. E. Mettler: from a Trip Through East Africa. E. Mettler: The Union of South Africa in Crisis. No. 3, June 1960, Editorial: The Failure in Paris. H. Zimmermann: West Berlin s Economy. F . Luchsinger: Bonn and Europe. E. F . Aschinger: Where the Wise Man Blunder, or the "Reform" of the OEEC. E. Ceilinder: Italy's Political Crisis. 5. Schadler: General Franco and Don Juan. — JJ. Schwarz: A Visit to Thailand. U. Schwarz: The Status of SEATO. E. Kux: Peking and Moscow at Ideological Odds. TEMPO PRESENTE. Roma, Vol. V. No. 1, Cennaio 1960. N. Chiaromonte: Albert Camus. M. Buber: La via della comunità. E. Zolla: Come ranсe t’a-'llsemitismo. M. }. Lasky: Sulla tedescofobia degli Inglesi (Lettera da Londra). No. 2— 3, Febbraio-Marzo 1960. M. J. Lasky: Civiltà russa e civiltä americana (Intervista con Ciorge Kennan). P. Ignotus: Prigioniero politico. No. 4. Aprile 1960. I. Silone: Democrazia cifrata. K. A. Jelensky: Avangaardia e rivoluzione. No. 5, Maggio 1960. A. Caffi: Magia, mistica e mito. —< G. di Santillana: Galileo e i moderni. V. R. Haya de la Torre: Difficoltà della democrazia nell’ America latino. No. 6, Ciugno 1960. C. Calogero: Ricordo di Carlo Antoni. M. Polanyi: Al dilà del nihilismo. R. Caillais: Il complesso di Medusa. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW, Vol. 21, No. 1, Autumn 1959. B. Currie: The Silver Oar and All That A Study of the Romero Case. D.W.M. Waters: Rights of Entry in Administrative Officers. R. Steffen: The Prima Facie Case in Non-Jury Trials. . WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV (Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel), Band 84, H. 1, 1960. E. Schneider: Erik Lindahl in memoriam (1891—1960). H. Brems: Welfare and Variable Product Quality. G. Clayton: Some Notes on Devaluation and Prices. M. J Beckmann: Lineares Programmieren und neoklassische Theorie. H. Ohm: Angewandte Preistheorie und Crenzkostenprei: prinzip bei unvollkommener Integration. F. Meissner: American Discount Houses A Revolution in Low Cost Mass Retailing. K. Möbius: Problematik und Aussagewert der internationalen Weltmarkl-Preisindizes, F . Voigt: Moderne Verkehrstheorie und Verkehrspolitik .