Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



SUMMARY Compulsory aviation Insurance in Yugoslavia According to Yugoslav législation sortie aviation insurances are corrtpulsory (hüll, goods, passengers, crew, legal liability). Ail, planes which belong to Yucbslav enterprises hâve to be insured against total loss and damage caused by fire, explosion or anž other cause. If they are not insured the enterprise to which they belong can be penalised. The goods transported by air hâve also to be insured. The enterprises to which the planes belong are obliged to insure ail passengers transported by their planes against accident. In addition to that they hâve also to insure their liability in connection with the exploitation of the planes thus including their liability towards passengers. In practice, Yugoslav airlines are insuring their passenger legal liability on an automatic basis so that passengers are automaticaly covered in case of an accident up to a certain amount and in excess of that amount only .if they prove the extent of the damage suffered by them. This cover exists only for international flights. On internai flights passengers are covered against accident up to 400.000 dinars like passeggers on railways, ships etc. For the damage suffered in excess of this amount passengers can sue the airline but the liability of the airline is for, the time being not insured, although according to our régulations the airlines should insure their liability towards ail passengers and not only towards passengers on international flights. In respect of such insurances some questions hâve not yet been definitely solved. The System of compulsory Insurance of air passengers in our country has some advantages over similar Systems existing in other countries (Italy, Austria, Germany) because our legal régulations provide for the compulsory insurancè not only in respect of air pàssengers (accident) but also in respect of passenger legal liability of our airlines. But on the other hand our System does not provide the sum insured for such insurances so that it has been left entirely with the airlines. For that reason in practice there is a différence between the Insurance of passengers on international and internai flights. Air crew are also compulsory insured. The obligation rests with enterprises to which the planes belong. These enterprises are obliged to insure also their third party liability; but as there is no provision about the sum they hâve to insure for, in practice the sum insured is usually too low to cover the real risk these enterprises are exposed to in connection with this kind of their liability.


I. Окривљени je кривичнопроцесна странка са правом односно функцијом одбране, а истовремено и могући извор сазнања истине, извор доказа. Пружање доказа je саставни део права окривљеног на одбрану. Међутим, у складу са претпоставком невиности, окривљени није дужан да изнесе своју одбрану нити да одговара на поставлена питања; он није дужан да пружа доказе. Уколико окривлени не би хтео да се користи својим правом на одбрану, орган који води поступак овлашћен je да га проучи да тиме може отежати прикупл>ање доказа у своју корист, али га не сме приморавати на вршење одбране нити на пружање доказа. ЗКП