Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu


IN MEMORIAM Ар Борислав Благојевић: Др Анна Жнлич-Юрин 428 Ар Иван Максимовић: Др Анна Жнлич-Юрин 430 Ар Ар&т-аш Денковић: Др Станое Аксич 434 CONTENTS ARTICLES Dr Živomir Đorđević: Right to the fruits of work and its achievement through the institute of the Law of Contract 229 Josip Studin: The types of contracts that should be included in the Law of Contract 263 Dr Milica Stefanović: Compensation for unjustified conviction and ungrounded custody —■ - 283 Dr Obren Stanković: The types of assessment of the compensation for damage -—•— 295 Dr Ljubiša Milosevic: Civil-Legal Delict Responsibility for the Caused in Our Jurisprudence 317 Dr Mladen Draškić: The legal significance of negotiations for the conclusion of a contract 337 DISCUSSION Dr Marko Kalodera: Time limit for submitting the claim for a single subsidy in cas from the Yugoslav People’s Army Act 351 Dr St ano je Aksić: The position of the commune and the current problems of self management 354 Di Dragai iub Kavran: Technical improvements or the structural changes in the administration - 356 JURIDICAL PRACTICE Ljubomir Ž. Jevtić: Materialization of Lawfulness through adminisrative Litigation 365 Dr Dušan Jakovljević: Multiple Homicide 390 REVIEWS Dr Dragoljub Dirnitrijević: Handwörterbuch der Kriminologie 400 Dr Dragai Denković: Jean Rivero, Droit administratif 402 Igor Kost/ukovski: V. D. Sorokin, Problemy administrativnogo processa 403 Dr Jelena Vilus: A. G. Chloros, Yugoslav Civil Law 407 Vestra Janković: Dr Velibor Gavranov, Principles and application of the system of collective security of the United Nations 414 NOTES I.jiljana Andrić: The contents of the Law of Obligations as a part of the Civil Code 418 Milić Urošević: The Chronicle of the Facilty 423 14*