Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



ского и трудового субъективитета, выраженного в Конституции 1963 года. Полномочия Веча народов, состоящего из посланцев республик и краев, удваивает политический субъективитет человека как жителя республики и края и оттесняет самоуправление на основании труда.

SUMMARY Self-Management Rights Reflect the New Conceptions of Man’s Position Self-management rights are considered as the outcome of the new conceptions of man’s position and as the constitutional element, without any deeper theoretical studies. In the Yugoslav political system the essential elements of socialism are remuneration according to output and abolishment of monopoly of governing the state, besides the abolishment of exploitation. Implementation of this goal is closely related to the self-management institutions where man, as a participant in work, i.e. as working being, also becomes the protagonist of the political power. The synthesis of the working and political subjectivity of man offers possibility for a radical change of man’s position in society, as well as of the essence of state and government. Self-management rights are the legal and political outcome of the synthesis of working and political subjectivity of man. Until the promulgation of the 1963 Constitution, self-management rights of producers were a more simplified concept of work as man’s activity and of man as the creator of material values. The constitutional and legar regulation of the position and rights of the producer as of a political subject denote abandonment of the concept of state socialism and look for a suitable solution for democratic relation of society and state, and state and producer. The provisions of the 1963 Constitution, regulating man’s position in society, reflect the approach that the caracteristic of man as a working being is one of the basic characteristics, regardless of the kind of work he is doing. Work is the basic element that determines his position in society and man as the participator in work is given certain powers in order to take part, directly or indirectly, in the exercising of economic and political powers. This is the new concept of man’s political subjectivity and of politics as a particular kind of work in which man is included as a human being and a working being the participator in a particular kind of work. However, certain discrepances of approaches regarding man’s position as an individual and a member of the social community should be pointed out. Absence of individual farmers and housewives, as participators in work, from self-management institutions, as well as the restricted frame of selfmanagement rights of students and pupils in secondary shools are an indication of the shortcomings of the approaches on equality of people. The changes in the composition and jurisdiction of the Federal Assembly, provisioned in the 1968 Constitutional Amendments indicate the parallel significance of man as a working being and inhabitant of a republic or of a province, and in some way this disintegrates the political and working subjecti-