Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu


»The three and a half centuries which roughly span the development oi modem international law, also represent the rise of the modern national state and of the political and legal symbols of national sovereignty. Today we are witnessing both the climax and the profound crisis of the ara of the national state and of national sovereignty. Outwardly the national state, equipped with the political and legal attributes of sovereignty, is today reaching its supreme triumph.« I 1) »The question how the legal sovereignty of the national State, reaffirmed by the United Nations Charter, can be reconciled with the minimum needs of international order and co-operation in our time, is at the root of the continuing debate on the ’reality’ of international law. This is more than a matter of theory. It is a matter of deep and intimate concern to the peoples of the mid-twentieth century, for whom the difference between a fictitious system of international law, and one thet is ,reaT i.e., that imposes order and restrait upon the states, as the predominant, though no longer the only, subjects of international law, may mean the difference between life and death.« ( 2 ) »In short, the of Nations is passing from the phase of an exclusive international law' of co-existence which has characterised it from its birth in the early seventeenth century to the mid-twentieth century to a phase where the nations of the world have to develop new forms of co-operation and organisation in addition to the traditional mles of co-existence.« ( a ) Kao увод у размишљања која слиједе, послушили смо ce ријечима Фридмана (Friedmanna), не само зато што мислимо да су горњи реци сажетак основе проблема него и због тога, што сматрамо слагали се у потпуности с аутором или не да су радови из којих су ти цитати преузети, посебно разматрања о ономе што он назива »law of co-existence« и »law of co-operation«, у извјесној мјери и надахнуће за таква размшпљања, и путоказ к изналажењу рјешења проблема. Што се приступа проблему тиче, суочени смо већ на самом почетку с тешкоћама, увјетованим ограничении простором. Аопустит ћемо зато, мјестимично можда и претјерано, симплифицирање и генерализирање, свјесни посљедица и евентуалних омашки; допустит ћемо и то, да колико je то највише могуће не понавл>амо и не упућујемо како на чињенице, које су сваком интернацио-

(i) Friedmann, The Changing Structure of International Law, New York 1964, стр. 31

(2) Op. cit., стр. 81.

(3) Friedmann, General Course in Public International Law, K. C., 1969, 11, стр. 64.