Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



многих лет, опыт которых должен и обязан послужить импульсом к дальнейшей работе, к новым инициативам и учестию в них. Во второй части статьи автор анализирует положение с трудоустройством юридических кадров, реальные возможности к их устройству на работу и проблему безработицы среди юристов. В основании данного анализа потребности общества в юристах находятся индикаторы, представляющие значение для оценки ценности эффективности системы подготовки юристов в свете вопроса: могут ли юридические факультеты, готовящие юристов-специалистов с высшей квалификацией, быть удовлетворены числом и качеством рабочих мест, предоставляемых юристам и на которых они ныне работают? SUMMARY —■ Education and employment of graduated jurists in SR Serbia Achieved results in education and employment of juridical staff as a necessary prerequisite for the work on the reform of law faculties With the attention of a scientist and a direct participant in educating jurists, author of this article considers essential questions of education and employment of jurists with the aspiration to emphasize actual problems in this field, the knowledge of which could contribute to the elaboration of the best possible concept of the future reform of the faculties of law in Serbia. Setting off with the idea that educative activity of law faculties is a form of »production«, a type of »factories« which »produce« highly qualified staff and in which just as in material production can be noticed, good or bad functioning, economical, rational and efficient running of business and the one that is not such, author in the first part of the article analyses educational process at the faculties, its principal categories and achieved results. In order to give maximum information about major number of forms of work in institutions for education of graduated jurists, authoruses enormous statistical documentation which he elaborates in numerous long-term chronological series to which he applies the method of quantitative dynamical analysis. The choice of quantitative analysis has a multilateral sence; to identify and measure most outstanding results of the work of law faculties, on parameters of state and functioning mechanisms of educational system of jurists requestion how and what has been done in the past, by perceiving the ways of educative activities contribute to the further construction and favourable prospective for development of law faculties and in such an analysis establish some sufficiently secure indicators of efficiency and development of this schooling system and conditions in which such development took place as well as the justification for valutations made about it today. Dynamic aspect of this analysis has for its purpose to represent law faculties as organisations which developed during a long period of time and their experience can and must be an incouragement for further work, new initiatives and engagement in such initiatives. In the second part of the article author analyses the level of employment of juridical staff, existing possibilities for their employment and problems of unemployment of graduated lawyers. In the basis of this analysis of social demands for graduated jurists lie the important indicators for the valutation of the effects made by the schooling system of lawyers in the light of the question: can law faculties as institutions for education of juridical experts be satisfied with the number and the quality of working places offered to jurists and with the places which jurists occupy today?