Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



На основании анализа элементов, являющихся необходимыми для определения характера судебного предупреждения, автор приходит к выводу, что оно по своей правовой природе является мерой уголовного наказания sui generis. Как подчеркивает автор, оно предназначено для общественного осуждения ответственных по уголовному праву совершеннолетних лиц, совершивших преступление, и для предостережения их, чтобы в будущем воздержались от совершения преступления, исравились, уважали общественные нормы и жили и трудились в соответствии с ними. SUMMARY The legal nature of the judicial admonition In this treatise the author presents the meaning of judicial admonition, perceives its place in the system of criminal sanctions, defines the character of judical admonition in the Yugoslav penal law, points aut that judicial admonition is a measure sui generis and draws the conclusion on its legal nature. Proceeding from the legal provisions which regulate judicial admonition and its place in the system of criminal sanctions and dealing also with opinions that exist in the literature, the author, through legal analysis and comparision of the common and different characteristics of judicial admonition and other criminal-legal sanctions, draw's the following conclusions: a) judicial admonition does not possess the essential characteristics of penalty and therefore is not a penalty; b) judicial admonition does not possess the character of security measure either; it differs from this measure by the conditions of application, meaning, aim and a series of other specific features; c) although it is quite similar to the corrective measure »reprimand«, judicial admonition cannot be identified either with that or any other corrective measure. They differ in their essential characteristics. On the basis of analysis of elements which were necessary for defining the character of judicial admonition, the author concludes that by its legal nature it is a criminal-legal measure sui generis. It is intended, as the author stresses, for social reprimanding of criminally liable adults which have committed criminal acts and as a warning for them to restrain from future criminal behaviour, improve themselves, obey social norms and live and work in compliance with them. RÉSUMÉ La nature juridique de l’admonition judiciaire Dans cette étude l’auteur explique la signification de l’admonition judiciaire, il indique sa place dans le système des sanctions pénales, il détermine le caractère de l’admonition judiciaire dans le droit criminel yougoslave, il fait ressortir l’admonition judicaire et tant que mesure sui generis et il formule la conclusion sur sa nature juridique. En partant des dispositions légales qui réglementent l'admonition judiciaire et sa place dans le système des sanctions pénales, tout en tenant compte des opinions émises dans la bibliographie, par une analyse juridique et en comparant les éléments communs et différents de l’admonition judiciaire et des autres sanctions de droit criminel l’auteur arrive à la constatation suivante: