Bilten Bitefa


1. Whu is matd Beptha so big and fat?-It is because Bedda is afraid of he. Beptha belongs to the mevo amd fopetom life situationms in vWhteh she oammot manage.

2. Who is Miss Tesman?-. Ant Jule, Tesmon s 'mothep", moto”, heat and assurance, Hedda s nightmaze.

3. What has Tesmam seen on his honeumoon trip in faet? — LibraPies, anohtves,hotel halls,bank"s stomds, platforms, folklove peppesentations of Germany, Austria, Suitzepiand amd Italy: in one vod, evepyuthing, emeept fo ho uve:

4. What dovevy has Hedda brought to theip matpimomy? — Hem ppofesstoh, he» pianmo,„hee guns amd he» father s piletubPe.

6. Why ocondidate Brack feeds the pigeon? — It 1s booquoib honeymoon trip this was his favourite oceeupat{ion.

6. How does Lovbo»g look like in Tesmam s howse? ~ Like someone

uho hopes to Win Ga ab caca.

7. How does Hedda look the house im whleh he 11 have to live Jo»

several yeaps? ~ Like an enhemy who takes away He» assurance, makes

her miserable, who alutavys puts hev a leg: like a foreigneP uho

depvpives he of the space.

8. Does oondidate Braok. kmoo Miss Dine 's l1ivimg voom? — He wLLI

aluavs deny It andiuwL1L say that he kmcus he» only from vumous.

9. Wheh can someome become aggpessive towards flovwe»s? – When these floveps smell like covapdness and anfidelity of an old foeiend.

10. Why doesn't Hedda go away With one of the brains uho pass by Tn front of he” house?

11. She will neve» take sueh a decision, aomtravu to Movpa Helme»v and

Theg Bipsted,

11. Why does nobody notice that Hedda weaps ab the emd a blaek “laeed dress Without an wndepskipt?. __C Something eveh uwoPpse could happen to hep. Mobody takes came of hep im fact.

12. Afte» Hedda s death, to which voom does Mps Elusted move? — She WflLI still think about that: whethe» she "LL move to Pesmo s op to this house
