Bilten Bitefa


To the questioh of an opgahiseP „ how WTLLI they knoo David BHaughton (playing the papPt of ·Johanaom) and who Was to avrive a uday aftepP his gvoup to Belgrade, the seocretavy Miss. Janet Ogliva ansuebed: ~– That's easy. Tae one who 1s the most oandsome among the passenmgeps — that's David.

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JInstead of a bab, tne snake from "Salome" got tuelue DRI mice.


On leaving Belgrade Tadeusa Konto» said: – WhRenevep we have problems with PeheaPsals, the pepformonce goes oh Well.

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Teehnical assistant of BITEP, upon meeting With KontoP said: mia say UJOM can De vem oombiičavod, ODA 0 - Matt, veplied KamtoP, ou WLLL see haow difftoeult I can be.


When Mira Trarloviđ, night befove last, weht to meet the membeps of the group, she had a ohance to see Lindsay "s snakez Ma, at hep vwarmly, she WILL love you Pight auaqyShe does mot Like beottoehing eyes.