Bilten Bitefa

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BDBCRET S PLAY TOMICHT Beoket s plays TBEM and STEPS, the most vecent ones of his shot plays wLLUL be shown tonight in Malo Pozorište. The play 1s dipected bU Samuel Beokett himgelf ın the Sohilley theatve.

LIMDSAY KEMP IM A BALLET CSHOOL Lindsay Kemp has given a leoctuzve to the students of the ballet sehool Luj Davičo” ın Belgrade. The Belgrade amd Savajevo TV attended the leoetube.

TWO PERFORMANCES BY LIMDSAY KRENE TONJOJIJI There w1LLL be tuo penformances tonight at the Atelje 212 „ one beginning at 8 p.m. amd the othe» at 11 p.m. The fipst is THE Clounms amd the second SALOMB, both im intevpratatloh of Lindsay Kemp Co. from Lohdoh.

TV CHROMNJCLE TOMJGHT AJ 17 ».m. The TV-ehronicle will be dedicated to BITEF 11 tonight around 11 D.m. Jesterday s buletim Informs you wrohglu that the TV-ohnonele WILL take place on Monday instead of todav,Taesday POth Septembe». The animato» of this show is Sloboda Selenić, a WP{iteb.