
neobìénu lepotu. Pramen kose izvìo se s nekadalnjom drskolću ìznad visokog, belog čela, ali, Stanislav Vispjanjski ne bele vile liv. Bilo je pet časova pośle podne. Krakov, 29. novembra 1907. Konstanty Srokowski


Konrad Swinarski smatra se jednim od najprominentnijih tvoraca savremenog poljskog pozorišta i jednim od vodećih evropskih reditelja. Izveo je preko 40 pozorišnih komada, nekih dvadesetak TV igara, a takođe i nekoliko operskih predstava. Koncepcija scene je, takođe, područje njegovog reda. Konrad Swinarski roden je 1929. u Variavi. Upisao se na Akademiju lepih umetnosti, Katovice, a kasnije je nastavio svoje studije na sličnim akademijama u Sopotu i Lodu. Nakon pololenih ispita, 1951, upisao se na relijski odsek drlavne visoke pozorišne škole u Variavi. Posto je dobìo stìpendìju radio je za berliński ansambl {1955 —57) i mnogo je doprineo izvođenju komada Život Galileja. Kao rezultat dobìjanja druge stipendije provodi dve godine u Moskvi {1962 — 63) a zatim odiati u Njujork. Njegove prve izvedbe su drama Bertoldo Brechta: Opera za tri grosa u Varlavskom savremenom pozoriltu {1958), Gospodin Puntila i njegov sluga Matti u Varlavskom dramskom pozoriltu {1958), Strah i beda 111 Rajha u Jevrejskom pozoriltu {1960). Nakon toga relira neke komade od Dürrenmatta, kao Ito su Andeo dolazi u Vavilon {1961) i Frank V 1962. godine, oba u varlavskom dramskom pozoriltu. Pa ipak, tek relija Delaneya, Ukus meda, je njegov prvi veliki uspeh koji se smatra potpuno zrelim delom Konrada Swinarskog. Komad je bio izveden u Wybrzeże pozoriltu 1959. Sledeée godine dobija nagradu memorìjala Leona Schillera za svoja ostvarenja na pozorilnom polju. U to vreme Konrad Swinarski počeo je da relira komade u ìnostranstvu, naroiito u Zapadnoj Nemaćkoj u Schillertheatru, Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer Zeitgenössisches Theater (i čak je i jedan od njegovih osnivača), kao i u pozoriltima Darmstadtu, Dusseldorfu, Hamburga i LUbecka. To je bio period telkog rada za Konrada Swinarskog i komadi ìzvedeni tamo, dodali su no vu dimenziju njegovoj pozorilnoj karijeri. To su bili: Proganjanje i podmuklo übistvo Jean Paul Marata izveden od strane stanara Charantonskog zatvora pod upravom Markiza de Sada od Petera Weissa {1964), Stenica od Majakovskog i Tarlekinova smrt od Sukhovo-Kohilina {1964). Kao rezultat toga dobija godilnju nagradu kritike nemačkog pozoriltu za 1965. godinu. Reîiser je takode radio za pozoriltu u Tel-Aviva Hamleta {1966), Milana —• Bassaridi u La Scali {1968) ì Moskvi Żeglarz od J. Szaniwaskog 1969. Konrad Swinarski relira iste drame u razlìčitim mestima u Evropi i palljivo proučava

način kako se one prihvataju u razlicitlm drustvenlm sredìnama. Ipak, od 1965, on postaje stalni saradnik Starog pozorišta u Krakovu gde je post avio komad Arden of feversham od jednog anonimnog elizabetanskog dramaturga {1965). Devojke od Genèta {1966) i San letnje noci {1970) i Sve je dobro što se dobro svrši {1971) od Shakespearea. 1966. režira i Woyzeca od Buchnera. Konrad Swinarski posvetìo je mnogo svoga vremana i talenta postavljajući na scena drame poljskog romantizma drama koje su najzapaîenije u istoriji poljskog pozoriltu. To su: Dziady od Mìckìewìsza {1973), Fantazija od Slowackog {1967), Ne božaastvena komedija od Krasinskog {1965) i tri drame od Wyspijanjskog {1968) Suci, Prokleti i Oslobodenje {1974). Dva puta, 1969. i 1974, Konrad Swinarski bio je odlikovan od strane ministra za kultura i umetnost za svoje kreativne eksperimente i ìstralivanja na polju pozorišne relije. Farkaś-Barati Anamarija Beograd, 21. 8. 1974.

swinarski Konrad Swinarski is regarded as one of the most prominent creators of the contemporary Polish theatre and one of the leading European directors. He has produced over forty theatre plays, some twenty TV plays, and also a few opera performances. The stage design is often his own make. Konrad Swinarski was born in Warsaw in 1929. He entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice and later continued his studies in similar academic in Sopot and Lodz. Having graduated in 1951. he entered the Staging Department of the State High Theatre School in Warsaw. Given a grant, he worked for the Berliner Ensemble {1955 — 1957) and contributed much to the production of ’’Life of Galileo”. As a result of getting another grant he spent two years in Moscow {1962 — 1963) and next went to New York. His first productions were the dramas of Bertold Brecht: The Tree-Penny Opera in the Warsaw Contemporary Theatre {1958), Herr Puntila and His Servant Matti in the Warsaw Dramatic Theatre {1958), Fear and Misery of the Third Reich in the Jewish Theatre {1960). Next he produced some drams of Dürenmatt, such as An Angel Comes to Babylon (1961) and Frank V {1962), both in the Warsów Dramatic Theatre. Nevertheless, the production of Delaney’s A Taste of Honey was his first great success and was regarded as a fully mature work of Konrad Swinarski. The play was staged in the Wybrzeze Theatre in 1959. A year later he got the Leon Schiller memorial award for his achievements in the field of the theatre. In that time Konrad Swinarski began to produce plays abroad, particularly in West Germany in Schillertheater, Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer Zeitgenössisches Theater {being one of its founders), and in the theatres

of Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, and Lübeck äs well. That was a period of hard work for Konrad Swinarski and the plays produced there added a new dimension to his staging career. These were: The Persecution and Assasintation of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade by Peter Weiss {1964), The Bedbug by Mayakovsky and The Death of Tarelkin by Sukhovo-Kobylin {1964). As a result he got the German theatre critics’annual award of 1965. The director also worked for the theatres in Tel-Aviv Hamlet {1966), Milan Bassaridi in La Scala {1968), and Moscow Żeglarz (The Sailor) by J. Szaniawski {1969). Konrad Swinarski produces same dramas in various places in Europe and carefully studies the way they are received by different communities. Since 1965, however, he has been a steady collaborator of the Cracow Old Theatre where he has staged Arden of Feversham by an anonimous Elizabethan playwright {1965), The Maids by Genêt {1966), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream {1970) and Alles Well That Ends Well {1971) by Shakespeare. In 1966 he also produced Woyzeck by Buchner. Konrad Swinarski devoted much of his time and talent to staging the great drams of the Polish Romanticism dramas which are most prominent in the history of the Polish theatre. These are; Dziady by Mickiewisz {1973), Fantazy by Słowacki {1967), Nie-boska komedia (The Non-Divine Comedy) by Krasiński {1965), and three dramas by Wyspiański Sędziowie (The Judges) and Klatwa (The Ban) in 1968, and Wyzwolenie (The Liberation) in 1974. Twice, in 1969 and 1974, Konrad Swinarski was awarded by Minister of Culture and Art for his creative experiments and research in the theatre staging.

Beograd, 21. 8. 1974.

Farkaš-Barati Anamarija