tak - Trilogija iluzija sastojala se od kratkih skečeva sa određenom ternom. Prvi skeč, o pohlepi, jeste priča o automatu za kockanja i kockanju na sve ili ništa. Do’ kraja skeča zbunjeni kockar ne samo da je izgubio svoj novae več i svoje odelo i šešir. U najpopulamijem skeču Bubašvaba reč je o tri bube koje noču gamižu po kredencu. Kostimi su u obliku buba sa kapama i naglašenim geometrijskim očima i ustima a jedini rekvizit je kocka šečera. Svetlo i zvuk odlično upotpunjuju scenu. I dok buba-švabe uživaju u svojoj tek otkrivenoj hrani, svira muzika iz Ajkule. A kada su zlobnici otkriveni, zvuk spreja konačno ih uništava. Paul Gaulin, Rick Van Tassel i Carmen Orlandis stvorih su dosta prismi atmosfera u predstavi time Sto sami najavljuju sledeče numere. Pokazali su neke od tehnika koje se primenjuju u pantomimi i objasniU su teSkoóe samog izvođenja. Najviše mi se dopao jedan apstraktni skeč - Morning Glory. Skeč je suptilna priča o cvetu koji pozdravlja jutamje sunce. Moebiusova tehnika najbolje se može objasniti kao istraživačka. Insistirá se na pantomimi, lednostavni ali efektni kostimi su u funkciji pokreta, dok, s druge strane, veoma tačni i precizni pokreti kreiraju varijacije na apstraktne teme.’ Jedino Sto se traži od publike je da sudeluje sa aktivnom kreativnem maštorn.
Moebius Moebius was chosen in 1983 as the new name and logo of the Ontario based Paul Gaulin Company. The change of name reflects a process of artistic evolution that began with Paul Gaulin performing as a solo mime in Canada in the early 1970'5. Drawing upon the best pupils from his Toronto school, he established the Paul Gaulin Company in 1973. In the years to follow, the company gained an ever-increasing reputation for quality and imagination. By 1983, the company had evolved into a fusion of theatre formsmime, mask, dance, and movement. Moebius has performed extensively in Canada, the United States, and several times in Mexico. Futu-
re tours will include both Eastern and Western Europe, and South America. The company does not perform traditional mime - there is no white face. The company offers its programme for adult, youth, and family audiences. The format can be one hour or a full evening presentation. Moebius has performed for schools, festivals, subscription series, community performances, and has successfully been booked in non-traditional modern dance series, avante-garde, and theatrical venues.
About the Company The objective of Moebius is to build a kind of theatre that will hold the interest and capture the imagination of all people. It is theatre rooted in life. Moebius was chosen in 1983 as the new name and logo of the Toronto based Paul Gaulin Mime Company, Moebius is fusion theatre, combining the elements of mask, movement, mime and theatre within the presentation of the performance. By adapting theatrical techniques and inventing their own, they manage to produce pieces of vivid imagination.
Paul Gaulin Paul is the artistic director of the company. He came to Toronto in 1968 after acquiring a B.A. from the University of Saskatchewan. In 1969 Paul travelled to Paris to study with Marcel Marceau and Etienne Decroux, During this time he performed in the streets of Paris and Nice. He has given solo performances in Paris, Versailles, and Toronto and has worked in film and television in France and Canada.