Bitef teatar Prostor stare crkve na Bajlonijevoj pijači nikada nije doživeo da bude ono zašto je projektovan - evangelistička crkva, več je svoj život započeo i nastavio kao prostor teatra i igračkog (ludičkog) istraživanja. Prostor „stare crkve na Bajlonijevoj pijači“ zaživeo je kao prostor pozorišnih proba prilikom osnivanja JDP 1947. g., kao pozorišna laboratorija Bojana Stupice, kao fundus kostima i dekora
„Boška Buhe“, kao prostor alternativnih pozorišnih predstava prethodnih Bitefa. Godine 1989. „stara crkva na Bajlonijevoj pijači“ postaje Bitef teatar i vice versa i prostor nastavlja u svoj svojoj punoči igru. Bitef teatar nastao je pod okriljem BITEF-a jednog od najstarijih evropskih pozorišnih festivala. Za dve godine svoga postojanja Bitef tcatar konstituisao se u jedino beogradsko pozorište otvoreno za sve vrste scenskih inovacija. □
Bitef Theatre The building on the Baiioni Market has never become what it was originally designed- for - an evangelical church. It has served, from the outset, as a space for theatre and ludic research. The “old church on the Baiioni Market” first came to life when rehearsals for the newly-founded Yugoslav Drama Theatre started there in 1947, and continued as Bojan Stupica's theatre laboratory, sto-
re-room of Boško Buha Theatre, and a setting for alternative theatre productions shown at various earlier ВТ TEFs. In 1989, “the old church on the Baiioni Market” became BITEF Theatre and committed itself fully to the ludic activities. BITEF Theatre was born under the auspices of BITEF, one of the oldest theatre festivale in Europe. During the first two years of its life it has established itself as the only Belgrade theatre open to all types of theatre innovations. □