
The Museum "25. maj" The Museum "25. maj" was founded in 1962. The building of the Museum is a gift of the city of Belgrade to Josip Broz Tito for his 70th birthday. Until 1982 in the Museum were exhibited, guarded, worked upon and studied gifts Josip Broz received in the country and abroad. The gifts studied in the Museum were gathered from all our parts of the country and are especially interesting for their authenticity. There are specific and rare marks of foreign people and their civilizations, gifts given to Josip Broz Tto during his numerous peace journeys and during visits of the most prominent individuals of the contemporary world to our country. In the Museum “25. maj" is the collection of relayrace estafettes , unique in the country and the world, and because of that it is, naturally, the basic characteristic of this museum. There are guarded around 20.000 of relay-race estafettes. In April 1945, while the war was still in rage and ruthless battles were fought for final liberation of our country, on suggestion of the Youth and citizens of Kragujevac, all over Yugoslavia was organized mass carrying of relay-race estafettes. The Youth brought to Josip Broz Tto, on 25th of May 1945, for his 53rd birthday and their first spring in freedom, first nine relay-race estafettes and the Blue book with 15000 signatures of youth and citizens of Kragujevac. Since that last war year, for every birthday of Josip Broz many relay-race estafettes were coming, from workers, village and school youth, soldiers, working companies, farmers, civil political organizations, sport and other societies and associations. On Tto’s initiative, since 1957 25th of May is celebrated as a Day of Youth. Gifts of the youngest have special charm, what as a sign of love and respect towards Josip Broz Tto have sent models of schools, factories, villages, etc. In this museum young hold number of meetings with artists and other creators. The Museum organizes thematic exhibitions from the funds of Memorial Centre "Josip Broz Tto". The Museum "25.maj” is one of the most visited museums in Belgrade. Here visitors from all parts of our country and abroad can watch documentaries about the life and work of Josip Broz Tto. Taken from monograph "Memorial Centre Josip Broz Tito" (1991).