
Tan How Choon Umetnički kodirektor, igrač Svestran umetnik, How Choon nastoji da se maksimalno izrazi i duhovno i fizički. Glavni producent EcNadovog kreativnog tima, How Choon je isto tako EcNadov nastavnik igranja koji je odgovoran za održavanje zdravlja i kondicije igrača, tehničku obuku u igri i gimnastičku obuku. Bivši gimnastičar, How Choon je od 1993. do 1995. godine bio clan ansambla People's Association Dance Company. Počeo je igra kod Colleen Darby (SAD), Boone Teo (Singapur) i Angela Lionga (Singapur). Kratko je boravio kod koreografkinje svetskog glasa Anne Sokolove I Mary Anthony (Njujork, SAD). Njegove koreografije za Ecnad: Water Story (2001), Tales from The Giant Blanket (2000), Visceral Vim (2000), Terrrestrial Beings In Spherical Analogy (1998), A Wish to Utopia (1997) i Dragon & Soul in B-Cycle-u (1996). Sarađivao je sa umetnickim direktorom, Lim Chin Huatom na projektima LOOK-SEE @ the FISh in the FLOWER (1999), Plastic (1998), Sports and Face in Frame 2 (1998) i ZerO'ctock (1996). Igrao je u: Across Oceans (1999), Terrestrial Beings (1999) Plastic (1998), SOLO (1998), Terrestrial Beings in Watercoloured Mirage (1998) I 3 Wonders (1998), Frame 2 (1998), Sheep (1997), The Dawning ON the Source (1997), Genesis at Unknown Terrain (1997), The Old Sea{ 1997), EcNad (1996) I B-cycle (1996). Komponovao je muziku za nekoliko Ecnadovih produkcija, uključujući i The New Adventures of Little Prince (2000) Dragon Tale (2000), Tales from the Giant Blanket (2000) i Water Story (2001). Godine 1990. njega je priznaoThe National Arts Council. Tan How Choon Artistic Co-Director, Dancer A versatile and flexible individual, How Choon is able to stretch to the extremes both mentally and physically. Head producer of EcNad's creative work, How Choon is also EcNad's dance master responsible for maintaining the body health of the dancers, dance technical training, as well as gymnastics training. A former gymnast, How Choon is experienced in body training methods, conditioning and management. He was a full-time dancer with People's Association Dance Company from 1993 to 1995. He started dance training with Colleen Darby (USA), Boon Teo (Signapore) and Angela Liong (Singapore). He also had brief stints with world-renowned choreographer Anna Sokolow (New York, USA) and Mary Anthony (New York, USA). How Choon has choreographed for EcNad Water Story