
"UMETNiCI I PROGNANI" Prema Renati Scant, "granice Evrope su nedefinisane". Organizatori Evropskog pozorišnog Festivaia u Grenoblu pozvaii su i predstavili nam mnoge pozorišne grupe iz daleka, koje su svojim eksperimentalnim naporima nastojale da ispune umetničke sadržaje Festivaia u Nansiju, Ove godine, Evropa Renate Skant uključila je Afriku, sa Sanza Teatar Afrika produkcijom Ibia (adaptirao Richard Demarcy), i Japan, sa Vojcekom Blek Tent Teatra (u režiji Makoto Satoa). Produkcija Vojceka verna je Büchnerovom originalnom tekstu. Štaviše, to je bitno drugačija vrsta produkcije od onoga što je već izvodeno u Francuskoj i donosi nam mnogo velikih iznenadenja. Evropski repertoar, od Shakespearea do Brechta i Becketta, stigao je do Japana i izvodi se tamo već vise od dvadeset godina. Reditelj ove postavke vešto manipuliše i reinterpretira naše evropske kulturne reference. Andreas, na primer, glumi čaplinovskim ludiranjem, dok Marie igra, prema različitim erama i kulturi, tri različite žene; kao moderna žena, ona igra uz rok muziku, a kao druga žena koristi oblike fizičkog izražavanja da iskaže prošli život. Obilnim korišćenjem kreativnih sredstava i muzike, Blek Tent Teatar predivno je spojio obično Ijudsko pozorište sa prefinjenošću moderne opere, da bi nas razvojem komada naučio da cenimo slobodu. Le Monde ARTISTS AND THE EXILED “The borders of Europe are undefined” according to Renata Scant. The organizers of 'Europe's Theatre Festival' at Grenoble have invitendand introduced many theatre groups from far away to us through their experimental efforts to extend the artistic content of Nancy Festival. This year Renata Scant's 'Europe' includes Africa, with Sanza Theatre Africa's production of Übu (adapted by Richard Demarcy) and Japan, with Black Tent Theatre's Woyzeck (directed by Makato Sato) included in the program. This production of Woyzeck is faithful to Buchner's original text. Moreover, it is a very different kind of production to what has been performedin France before and brings with many great surprises. European repertoire from Shakespeare to Brecht and Beckett reached far off Japan and hasbeen performed there for more than twenty years. The director of this production skillfully manipulates and reinterprets our European culturalreferences. For example, Andreas performs with Chaplinesque buffoonery while Marie performs according to the various era and culture of 3 different women; as a modern women she dances to rock music, and as another woman she uses a form of physical code to express a past life. Through the rich use of creative devices and music, Black Tent Theatre wonderfully merges simple human theatre and the delicacies of contemporary opera through the development of the play to teach us the preciousness of freedom.

Le Monde