
wouldn't It suffer or perhaps even turn to hate you? Will you at that moment accusse him of Injustice that he Is no more responsible for than you are responsible for the choice you made?" Denis de Rugemont INTRA Is a small-scale contemporary dance company established In March 2001 as an NGO, In Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Echoes of Silence Is a hypostasis of most destructive forces within the love passion of a man and a woman, as well as of Its consequences any time, anywhere. Two lovers and one apparition, manifestation of Sublime or Heavenly Aloof female, alterations of real and Imaginary, unconditional love and the suffer It brings, hatred and tenderness, Joy and pain, life and death. The conflict of this with the other worlds. “...we enter a passion as If entering Into religion or beglnlng a mystical journey. We eliminate the world and confine ourselves Into a cell with the Image of a beloved creature. The Devil sits In the corner. He Just sits there doing nothing, waiting for you. He comprehends the logic of passion. He waits for your deepest torment, his only remedy. Now he stops grinning, he puts himself to work, lurking at your face for the first sugns of anguish. What will happen to your happiness? Why do you miss your beloved one? Why does the Image you once worshipped fade away? Wouldn't the beloved one desert you It you let It be free? Even If you confined It

The work of INTRA Is based on the complexity of human mind and Its relation with body, making out from dance and movement a unique language of thoughts, energies and emotions.