
Dramaturgija pozorišta Andreja Bagara ima na umu različite potrebe domaće i strane pozorišne pubiike. Raznovrsnost tema i žanrova zastupljena je prezentacijama visokog kvaliteta i atraktivnim pozorišnim predstavama. Svako pojedinačno delo odraz je originalnosti reditelja, njegovih nepogrešivih karakteristika, estetskog stila, poetske i individualne interpretacije dela. U repertoaru nisu zapostavljeni ni najznačajniji klasični komadi ni dela modernog doba. Pozorište redovno izvodi predstave za decu i mlade. Svojom osnovnom dužnošću smatra izvodenje dela slovačkih dramskih pisaca, kako savremenih tako i klasičnih. Nakon perioda kada su bili angažovani reditelji iz kuće, pozorište sada traga za novim i specifičnim umetničkim izražavanjem, Saradnja sa gostima iz Slovačke i inostranstva jedan je od načina kako da se izbegne kreativna paraiiza. Stalna umetnička konfrontacija I stvaralački dijalog pomažu razvoj i napredak ansambla. To, medutim, povećava uživanje gledalaca u pozorišnim predstavama vrhunskog kvaliteta.

may impudently "smuggle" deeper thinking and real world and human problems into the piece. The viewer is not stupid. Nor is he worthless. Theater will lure the viewer only if and when it does not become an aristocratic art. Or when it recognizes itself as something more beautiful than the outside world. - What is it that makes theater theater? That cannot be clearly formulated. It is something mystical that conflicts with words. I know little about this mystique. And if I knew, I would have been a writer by now. Questions by S. Sprusansky, May 14th 2001, Nitra. A FEW FACTS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE THEATER AND HIS PLAYS In 1883, when the population of Nitra reached about nine thousand, the first theater was built here. It had 360 places, and petroleum lamps illuminated the nine-meter-wide stage. The theater's building was located at the same place as where it is today, and was open to the public of Nitra all along until it was destroyed by bombs in the Second World War. The demolition of the building did not mark the end of professional theatrical activates in Nitra, One building with two purposes, the National Hall and Sokolana, was intended for the needs of theatrical activities. The reconstruction of the National Hall was completed in 1949, Ever since, in the next forty-three years, the building has been used for performance of theatrical plays. In 1992, the Andrej Bagar Theater moved from its old location into one of the largest and most modern theater buildings in Slovakia. Two scenes in the new building - 600 places, a large auditorium and 150 seats of changeable arrangement in the studio - are the preconditions for undisturbed work of this multipurposed theatrical accommodation. It fulfills ideal conditions for creating and presenting modem! works of art. The dramaturgy of the Andrej Bagar Theater has in mind the different needs of domestic and foreign theater audiences. The variety of topics and genres is embodied by presentations of high quality and attractive theatrical performances. Every individual work is a reflection of the originality of the director, his unerring characteristics, esthetical style, poetic and individual interpretation of works. In the repertoire, neither the most significant classical works nor the modern-day ones are neglected. The theater regularly performs plays for children and the young. It considers it to be a basic responsibility to display works of Slovak dramatists, contemporary as well as classical. After the period when directors from the house were being employed, the theater now searches for new and specific artistic expression. Cooperation with guests from Slovakia and abroad is one way in which to avoid creative paralysis. Constant artistic confrontation and creative dialogue helps development and progression of the ensemble. This, however, increases the enjoyment of viewers in theatrical performances of superb quality.