

20 - 30, September, 19h Biblioteka grade Beograde KENTAUR - slikar i scenograf koji radi pod ovim pseudonimom. Studirao slikarstvo i zidno slikarstvo kod

Pala Geršona (Pal Gerzson) i Zoltana TolgMolnara (Zoltan Tolg-Molnar). Kao pevač i muzičar snimio je dve solo LP ploče. Paralelno sa muzičkim I slikarskim radom, interesuje se za madarsku “underground" scenu, plesno pozorište I multimedijalne eksperimente osamdesetih i devedesetih godina I učestvuje u radu različitih madarskih alternativnih grupa. Sa performerom, scenografom i istoričarem umetnosti Andreom Bartom (Andrea Bartha) osniva “Pankrator Balett Action Group" i izvodi različite predstave i hepeninge. Svoju pozorišnu karijeru započeo je kao grafički dizajner, a nastavio kao scenograf. Od 1990. godine izradjuje scenografije za vodeća mađarska dramska i muzička pozorišta, kao i za operu, TV I film. Stain! je scenograf dva najistaknutija madarska reditelja miade generacije, Enikoa Esenia (Eniko Eszenyi) I Roberta Alfoldija (Aifoldi), čija je predstava "Zločin i kazna iza rešetaka" na programu ovogodišnjeg BITEF-a. Radio je i u Siovačkoj, Repubiici Češkoj, Danskoj, Švedskoj, na Filipinima, i u Njujorku i Londonu. KENTAUR - Painter and Set designer. Studied painting and Muralpainting with Pal Gerzson and Zoltan Tolg-Molnar. He also recorded two LP-s as a solo musiciansinger. Parallel to his musician and painter work he's got interest in the Hungarian underground theater, dance-theater and multimedia experiments of the 80'ies and 90'ies, taking active part in the activity of different Hungarian alternative groups. He and the historian-performer-costume designer Andrea Bartha founded the "Pankrator Balett Action Group", creating different performances and happenings at that time. He started his theater career as a graphic designer, later becoming a set designer. Since 1990 he has designed sets for ail major Hungarian prosaic and musical theaters, incl. Opera, TV and for movie films too. He is the permanent designer for two of the most influential young Hungarian theater directors, Eniko Eszenyi and Robert Aifoldi, whose performance "Crime and Punishment Behind the Bars” is on the program of the 36th BITEF. He has also worked in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Philippines, New York and London. Izložba se održava u organized]! BITEF-a i Biblloteke Grada Beograda