
BITEF/35 YEARS CD ROM ... , 1 ■ y

Production: Bitef Theatre Artistic director and selector: Jovan Ćirilov Director; Nenad Prokić The team of autors; Vesna Bogunović, the idea and main coordinator of Project.Vuk Rsumović, Ana Tomović and Katarina Nikić, competent consuiants, Dejan Miletic and Mihajlo Ršumović, the design. This Project is realized in the cooperation with NT SOFT agency form Belgrade. This CD ROM, multimedia monography about 35 years of BITEF, contains selected archival material from all held 35 Bitef in form of textual, photo and video record. By its contents, this Project represents such form of cultural-social commentary, and aims to arirmate itself as unique encyclopedic note highly estimated world cultural institution. Multimedia monograph of 35 BITEF's years on CD ROM is digital archive which presented us nearly 500 performances form about 60 countries from ail continents. This way concepted digital archive is reached on the internet, as well. Very important aspect of this Project, besides structure (material), is designing - multimedia visualization of the whole Project. In the passed 35 years, each Bitef remains with its conception and programme the spirit of this time, e.g. precise spiritual and artistic average of theatrical experiments and avangarde movement with general idea of the promotion NEW THEATRE TRENDS. However, the purpose of multimedia monograph is to preserve that documentary level of opening "the spirit of time in which creates", on the one side, and on the other side, to reconstruct esthetic and intellectual dimension of theatre performances and authentic and imagination of authors of plays from preserved visual, textual and others informations. Preserved and presented material this way, is more than the document of the time. This Project is the continuation of artistic concept of Belgrade's International Theatre Festival, showing the contemporary understanding the art of theatre


,C TTf p i .4 E K m Sistem prelraavanja CD-roma je jednosiavan > brz. Na uvodnoj web-stranici možete se opredeliti za dva sistema pretrage - i!i tako što ćete kiiknuli na opciju "festivali”, te' ! onda izabrati odredeni festival, a zatim predstavu. ill tako što ćete kliknuti na "pretraga", a zatim ukucati ima toga što tražite (predstava, autor, nagrada i!i zemlja porekla..,) Svaka od predstava sadrži opcije; o predstavi, podeia, foto galerija i video zapis. 1. Ponadite vise o učesću Jerzy Qrotowskog, Jurija Ljubimova, Tadeusza Kantora, Pine Bausch. Džulijan Beka i Judith Maline, Angelina Preljocaja, Sashe Waltz, Otomar Krejče i ostalih autora na B!TEF-u. Klikmte na “pretragu" i ukucajte ime autora... 2. Ako želite da vam se izlistaju, na primer, sve nemačke predstave koje su ikada gostovale na BITEFU, kliknite na "pretraga", a zatim ukucajets "NemaSka". 3. Da !i vas interesuje koliko puta je predstavljen, na primer, Shakespeare na BITEFU? Podite na "pretraga" i ukucajte "Shakespeare"... 4. Kome je npr. dodeijena nagrada Grand Prix na 32. BITEFU? Kliknite na 32. BITEF i odaberite opciju "nagrade". Hi, ukoliko žeiite da saznate koje su sve predstave osvojiie nagrade, kliknite na "pretraga''. a zatim ukucajte jednu od siedećih opcija; "Grand Prix", "Specijalna nagrada”, "Nagrada publike" ili ''Nagrada Poiitike". 5. Ukoliko želite da vidite plakat određenog BITEFA, kliknite na "festival!", zatim odaberite svoj festival, a kada vam se otvori giavna stranica odredenog festivala, odaberite opciju "plakat". 6. Pogledate uzbudljivi video klip iz čuvene predstave "Dionis u '59“ kliknite na "festivals", zatim na "3. BiTEF 1969.", zatim na predstavu "Dionis u '69" i konačno na "video zapis". (CD sadrži više od 130 video klipova. Video kiipovi su podeljeni na oba CD-a. Ukoliko video klip postoji, a ne nalazi se na prvom CD-u, na ekranu će vam se pojaviti obavestenje da übacite CD 2.) 7. Dali želite da osetite atmosferu prvog i dugog BITEFA? Sa glavnog menija kliknite na opciju “Filmske novosti".