Bitef, Jan 01, 2003, page 99
drugoj, okruženi nepoznatim prostorima nazvanim zemlja, nebo, vazduh, pustoš itd., okruženi nepoznatim vremenima nazvanim bogovima, demonima, dušama. Mi ne znamo šta je materija, zemlja, nebo, vazduh; mi ne znamo Sta je bog, demon, duša; mi govorimo "ja", "ti", "on" i, kad nazivamo neizvesnost rečima, stvaramo sebe i svet oko nas; red je kletva stvari; red je poziv i traženje boga. Svako znanje je vatromet redi kojima popunjavam pustoš što me okružuje; ako moje redi blistaju svojim bojama, onestvaraju iluziju svetlosti; upravo je ta iluzija svetlosti - spoznaja. Niko nikoga ne mode da übedi. Niko nikome ne mode da dokade; svaka diskusija je madija, borba redi. Bolje je da se u prazan prostor bez cilja puštaju rakete od redi nego da se tamo sipa prašina. To prvo je radnja divih redi, drugo - radnja mrtvih redi. Mi vide volimo ono drugo. Mi smo ni divi, ni mrtvi... A. Beli ... Šekspirje poput Biblije. U odnosu prema njemu uvekje postojalo nešto religiozno - dak i kod onih koji nisu u njemu tradili mudrost... Sekspir je upravo kao Biblija: haos religijske svesti koji se pretvara u Univerzum... On je i dalje kao Biblija. Istovremeno kao umetnidka i unutrašnje religiozna pojava. Adam i Eva, Kain i Avel, Noje, Josif, Mojsije - sve to nije samo religija ved umetnidki isklesane figure neverovatne snage i celovitosti. Takoje i kod Šekspira: Romeo i Juiija, Hamlet, Magbet, Lir, Oteio, Kordelija, Dezdemona - svi oni nisu samo umetnidki likovi izuzetne reljefnosti, izuzetno stvarni, ved pojave religijskog divota, unutar sebe, u svom bidu... On je duo tutnjavu provalije na nadin na koji ga je malo njih ko duo... Zato je on kao Biblija... VI. Gipius ... Nema potrebe da se dalimo na to što ne raspolademo nekim odgovarajudim Sekspirovim portretom. Neophodno je samo da pogledamo u ogledalo da bismo videii njegov lik. On lidi na nas, delid je obidnog stradajudeg dovedanstva, gori od skromnih ambicija, s novdanim brigama, drtva svojih delja, sasvim obidan dovek. Na njegova leda, kao grba, bio je natovaren neobidan, all nekako neumesni talenat. Taj talenat, više nego bilo koji drugi, miri sa našom ljudskom suštinom nas - nesavršene hibride koji nisu dovoljno dobri da bi bili bogovi, a nisu dovoljno loši da bi bili divotinje. Svi smo mi Viljem. Šekspir je ime jednog od naših spasilaca.
A. Berdžis
EMERGING LOVE Do not allow winter to enter into you. Please. Do not leave space in your soul for the cold roaring winds. Who knows where they're from, where they're going, or what they'll leave behind once they're gone. Do not allow winter to enter into you. Remain in the warm autumn or in the summer's end. The summer of childhood and youth. It could last, it could postpone the winter. But it's here. It is cold. The graves are covered with snow. Long nights blacken all things. The cities and meadows sleep in the dark. Winter is here. We dance, alone and sad in empty ballrooms. We are reconciled with the fact that love is impossible, we've opened the doors so that the end can come in. Is this how we deal with fate? But winter is not only the end of life. It is also the first memory of the world. A child asleep in its warm room. Sometimes the child awakes and looks out the window for a while. It is a winter's night outside. But enchanting. Because the child knows that life is yet to come. The Winter's Tale. Winter is at both the front and the back doorsteps of life. A tale about someone who is about to leave the world and looks back on it for one last time. About Leont, the man who at the beginning of the play sets off to discover himself. This journey is a long one and as it often happens it begins amid destruction and enormous suffering. At the end of his life Leont arrives at the point of his destination: the miracle of the statue, the resurrection of love, absolution, joy. Though the song of sorrow still sounds. Leont reaches this moment in his soul and life simply somewhere behind him in the distance, in the past. One last knowledge of the world, one last look at life. But is a fairy tale for those who are about to come into the world. The children, the new people, the next generation, those in love. In The Winter's Tale Shakespeare will reveal a great secret. Florizel and Perditta discover love. We get to see a love emerging. Shakespeare does not wish us to know what will come of this love. It does not matter whether it will live or die. The secret is that before it dies, love is born. The Winter's Tale. Life is somewhere out there.
Marius Kurkinski