
BRANISLAV LECIé was borri in 1955 in Sabac. He graduateci from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Beigrade in 1978. He is one ofthefounders of some ofthe most significant alternative theatre Companies that had a great influence on theatre life in thè country. He is a member ofYugoslav Drama Theatre ensemble since 1980. He acted in numerous theatre performances: Peer Gynt, Patrioti, Life is a Dream, Hamlet, Beggar's Opera, Pive Star Container, Spring Awakening, Pericias, Closer, America 11, Dog's Waltz, Boat for Dolls, Ship ofLove, Prometheus, Befare Retirement; and in many movies, the most significant being Deaf Powder, Revolution Boulevard, Three Tickets to Hollywood, Special Education, Summer for Remembrante, Life with an Uncle, Nor in Heaven, Noron earth, Labyrinth, Professional, The Haiduk. He was a Minister for Culture and media in the first democratic government of Serbia, in the cabinet ofthe prime minister Zoran Dindlc. NEBOJSA GLOGOVAC was born in 1969 inlrebinje. He is a member ofthe Yugoslav Drama Theatre ensemble. He acted in abouttwenty theatre performances, on film and televisión, and his roles in the productions In the Hold, Gun Powder Keg and Dark is the Night changed the previous aesthetic criteria on acting. He also shone in Golden Fleece, stage adaptation ofthe novel by Borislav Pekic under the same title, directed by Nebojsa Bradic For this role he received numerous awards. After the leading role in the film Premeditated Murder, he also acted in many other films, the most famous being: To the Bone, Gun Powder Keg, Wounded Country, SkyHook, Normal People, When I Grow Up TU be Kangaroo, Vukovar-One Story, Savior, Boomerang, TT Syndrome, Thunderbirds, Hotel Belgrado, The Country ofthe Dead, Tomorrow Morning, Trap, Huddersfield and others. He recieved two "Zoran Radmilovic" "Milos Zutic" and "Sterija" awards. KRUNOSLAV KLABUCAR graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Department of Acting, in Zagreb in 1999. Since 2000 he's been working with the City Theatre "Tresnja". he acted in over forty performances in almost all theatres in Zagreb, as well as in TV series and films (one of them was a BBC production). DAMIR SABAN was born in 1958 in Zagreb. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Department of Acting, in 1980. He was a member of theatre company "Akter" ( Which Hill, Ivo, TheySay thè Owl Was a baker's Daughter, Saved), of Theatre "Tresnja" (1982-86), he played the role of Alosha in Brothers Karamazov, Ludwig in Mensch Meier, Peter in Shakespeare the Sadist, Kresimir Babic in Resnicnost in Slovenian Youth Theatre, Demetrius in Titus Andronicus, Johan Drach in Heimat (both in the National Theatre in Subotica), Andrej in Three Sisters, Charlie in Charlie Brown, doctor Eugene Dorn in The Seagull, etc, Since 1989 he is a member ofthe Zagreb Youth Theatre, where he created thè project Gustlsalon - a cabaret based on the texts by A. G. Matos, which was performed over 300 times, and he directed and starrs in Odyssey 2001, which toured to several international festivals and won several awards. He also made numerous TV dramas and series. ZORAN GOGIC was born on March 30th 1955 in Zagreb. He started his theatre career as an amateur with Zvjezdana Ladika. As a Student ofthe Zagreb Academy, he was part ofthe cult theatre group Pozdravi led by Ivica Boban, He graduated in 1979, and every since is employed in Gavelia theatre in Zagreb. He played over 50 roles, participated in Split and Dubrovnik Summer Festivals as well as Histrioni troupe. He made a dozen films and TV dramas. In theatre, he played in Kraljevo, Sokol да nife volio, Idiot, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Marija se bori s anäelima, Richard 111, Richard 11, Henry IV, King Lear, One FlewOver the Cuckoo's Nest, Breza, Hrvatski slavuj, The tmaginary Invalid, Zimska prica, Three Sisters, Polaroids, Kroatenlager, Povratak Filipa Latinovicza, Sudnji dan, Marat/Sade, Birds... MLADEN VASARY graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, and from Ecole Lecoq in Paris. He has worked for British, German and French theatre Companies including:Talking Pictures Manchester, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Bühnen derStat Köln, Bochum Schauspielhaus, Jozsef Katona Budapest, Compagnie Mario Gonzalez, Compagnie Joker, Compagnie du Hasard, CCN - Orleans Josef Nadj,Theàtre Nationale deChailiot- Paris, in Shakespeare's, Moliere's, Cervantes'Aristophanus'plays. He starred in many films. One ofthese isTom Stoppard's great achievement "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". Currently, he is working as a director, actor in Zagreb and is a professor in the Zagreb academy of Dramatic Arts.