
Anja Oordevic was born in Beigrade on 28 June 1970. She graduated from the Department of Composition, dass ofVlastirnirTrajkovic, ofthe Faculty of Musical Arts in Beigrade. Since 1994 she has been performing with double bass player Vojin-Malisa Draskoci in the project MusicalSyntheses. On several occasions in the 1990 s she cooperated with Coran Bregovic as a singer and arranger. ln 2000-2004 she was a member of Zorz Grujic's Marsija Ensemble for Balkan music. With them she recorded Visoko drvo, a CD published by PGP-RTS (2003). In 2000 shefounded Ravno Nebo, a trio with composers Bozidar Obradinovic (piano) and Vladimir Pejkovic (bass guitar). They perform their own written music with thè minimum of improvisation. With Marsija and Ravno Nebo Anja Bordevic participated in numerous domestic festivais: Ring-Ring, BELEF, BEMUS, the Jazz Festival In Kanjiza, InterZone, EXIT, International Composers'Forum... She wrote music for a number of theatre productions: Waiting for Godot, The Dog'sWaltz, Fredpenzijom (YDT), Nemres pobjec od nedelje (Atelje 212), Indifference (Spoletto, Italy), in Cooperation with La MaMa Umbria International... Her opus ineludes music for several modern dance productions: L//f(BitefTheatre), The Snow Queen (Little Theatre "Dusko Radovic"), Seiferase (BELEF 2006). Anja Bordevic wrote the score for several documentaries; Slucajno sami, directed by Goran Radovanovic; Djindjic - ein Leben, directed by Christoph Sodemann, as well asfor exhibitions, installatlons and short audio-visual forms (Student Film Festival, 44, October Salon, POZITIV/NEGATIV...) In her work she concéntrales on vocal music, musicai theatre. Thatis how many songs and cycles were born: Three Songs for a single voice; three songs - Total Reflection, Enemy Time, Niagara dedicated to Nikola Tesla; Si me quitaran, Jara, multimedia Classifides, the musical Zivot Jevremov, thè opera Narcissus and Echo... Some ofthe compositions draw their Inspiration from thè old Serbian music: Rondo for a iemale voice, double bass and viol; Zar da umremkad mi nijevreme for a iemale voice, double bass, viol, zoma and tapan; Sta se ono tamosija for a iemale voice, double bass, viola, cavai, piano and tapan. In May 2005 she was thè composer in residence at the International Composers' Centre ¡n Visby, Gotland, Sweden. She was thè bearerof Stevan Mokranjac Award in 2002. The awarded opera Narcissus and Echo premiered at BEMUS in 2002. It was renewed at the "Dusko Radovic"Theatre ¡n the summer of 2003, Vladimir Pejkovic was born in Beigrade in 1976. He majored composition under Zoran Eric atthe Department of Composition ofthe Faculty of Musical Arts in Belgrade. In addition to writing music, he also designs and produces sound and performs on the bass guitar and piano, chiefly with hls Ravno Nebo (Fiat Sky) Trio with which he participated at Contemporary music festivais in the country. At the moment he is engaged primarily in composing music for theatre. He participated, as the composer and sound designer with La Marna Company, in the project called Indifference in Spoletto in 2000. Pejkovic wrote the musical score for the recently recovered first Serbian feature film Karadorde for which he received the award atthe Fifth Stage Design Biennial and he also won Sterija's Award in 2005 for the score in Smrtonosna motoristika in Atelje 212, written togetherwith Zoran Eric. At BELEF 2005 he cooperated with Jarboli, a band from Belgrade. AttheSixth Stage Design Biennial he received awardsforthe music in three productions within Grand Prix conferred upon the "Dusko Radovic'Theatre. Radiolullaby was ordered by Jugokoncert and written for the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet. Igor Gostuski was born in Belgrade in 1966. He studied composition atthe Faculty of Musical Arts in Belgrade, the class ofVlastirnirTrajkovic. He writes acoustic and electronic music and applied music (theatre, film, radio,TV), In the late 1980 s he cooperated with a group of composers "Magnificent 7" which adopted a new approach to the commerdalisation of Contemporary music in an endeavour to change the perception of serious music and bring it closer to broader public. The public learned of him when he made one ofthe first TV spots of serious music here, produced by Belgrade RTV, announcing his Toccata for piano. It was performed by Aleksandar Madzar, Aleksandar Sandorov, and atthe opening ofthe 25th Forum ofthe Musical Authors of Yugoslavia in Opatija in 1988 by Rosta Popovic. Igor Gostuski wrote music for numerous theatre productions. His first score was for Moliere's Les femmes savantes (National Theatre, Belgrade, directed by Jagos Markovic). In the early 1 9905, in an experiment with musicai gente he cooperated with pop music performers (Dorde Marjanovic, Sladana Milosevic), Side by side with this, he also writes acoustic music and at the 27th Forum ofthe Musical Authors of Yugoslavia in Opatija participated with Proiectio Mensurata, a composition performed by Dusan Skovran Belgrade String Quarter. In 1992 he moved from Belgrade to Vienna where he teaches and Works as the music coordinator atthe International Montessori school Vienna. He continúes to write music for the state and cooperates with the prestigious Viennese Theater m.b.H. More important productions: Minna - Howard Barker, 1994, worid premiere; Schlangenhaut- Slobodan Snajder, 1996, Austrian premiere. Since his return to Belgrade he has been cooperating with numerous domestic playwrights and directors, including Tatjana Mandic - Rigonat, Donde Marjanovic, Ksenija Krnajski, IsterTeatar, OmenTeatar.