
Jugokoncert, institucija za muzicko-scensku delatnost, osnovana je 1946. godine, da bi 1976. osnivacka prava preuzela Skupstina grada Beograda. Decenijama je Jugokoncert imao znacajnu ulogu u kreiranju muzickog zivota ne samo Beograda vec i na celoj teritoriji nekadasnje Jugosfavije. Bio je osnìvac, suosnivac ili izvrsni producent mnogih znacajnih muzickih festivala, organizacija i institucija, kao i posebnih projekata, narocito u zemlji i glavnom gradu. Jugokoncert je, ipak, najvecu paznju poklanjao, a to cini i dañas, prezentaciji domacih umetnika i njihovog stvaralastva u zemlji i inostranstvu. Isto tako, agencija se afìrmisala predstavljanjem najatraktivnijih inostranih programa u nasoj sredini. Jugokoncert je dugogodisnji izvrsni producent Beogradskih muzickih svecanosti (BEMUS), najstarijeg i najuglednijeg medunarodnog muzickog festivala u zemlji, koji uziva status kulturne manifestacije od izuzetnog znacaja za grad Beograd, a od 2002. godine je clan ugledne Evropske asocijacije festivala. Jugokoncert dañas saraduje sa mnogim institucijama, domacim i inostranim partnerskim organizacijama i agencijama, te se predstavlja kao njihov pouzdan partner u realizaciji razlicitih projekata, programa i manifestacija: BELEF, Medunarodna tribina kompozitora, Beogradski celo fest, Medunarodni festival harfe... Agencija je prisutna i u javnosti kao realizator programa iz oblasti medunarodne, medugradske i medudrzavne kulturne saradnje. Uz pedesetak koncera ta u Srbiji i vise desetina projekata u inostranstvu, Jugokoncert, u okviru svoje redovne koncertne sezone, predstavlja Beogradanima stotinak koncerata godisnje. Oni se odiikuju kvalitetnim izborom izvodaca (domacih i inostranih), naglasenim zanimanjem za savremenu i atraktivnu prezentaciju muzike raznolikih zanrova i obracanjem paznje na animaciju publike razlicitih uzrasta i interesovanja. U Jugokoncertu dañas radi 15 visokostrucnih Ijudi, koji se svakodnevno zalazu za prepoznavanje savremenih urbanih formi muzicke prezentacije, za afìrmadju domaceg stvaralastva i uporno brinu о kvalitetu ovdasnjeg muzickog zivota. Jugokoncert, thè agency for music and stage arts, was founded in 1946. In 1976 thè founding rights were transferred to thè Assembly of thè City of Belgrado. For decades, Jugokoncert played an important role in thè shaping of thè musical life not only in Belgrado but across thè territory of thè former Yugoslavia. It was thè founder, co-founder or thè executive producer of a whole series of important music Festivals, organisations and Institution as well as special projects in thè country and its capital. Nonetheless, it has always accorded its major attention to thè promotion of domestic artists and their work in thè country and abroad and continúes to do so to this day. It has also asserted itself by bringing the most attractive foreign programmes to our country. Jugokoncert has been for years thè executive producer of the Beigrade Musical Festivities (BEMUS), the oldest and most prestigious international music festival in this country, considered a cultural event of prime significane for thè city of Beigrade. Since 2002 it is a member of the renowned European Association of Festivals. Today, Jugokoncert cooperates with numerous institutions, domestic and foreign partners and agencies, appearing as their reliable partner in various projects, programmes and events: BELEF, International Composers'Forum, Beigrade Cello Fest, International Harp Fest... The agency also realises programmes in the field of international, inter-city and inter-state cultural Cooperation. Alongside some fifty concerts organised across Serbia and severa! dozen projects abroad, Jugokoncert offers to Belgraders about a hundred concerts per year within its regulär concert season Programme, invariably featuring prominent performers, both domestic and foreign and reflecting a particular interest in the modern and attractive presentation of music of different genres and its desire to animate public of different ages and areas of interest. Jugokoncert today employs 15 highly qualified people daily engaging in the identification of modern, urban forms of music presentation, the promotion of domestic authors and persistently mindful of thè quality of thè musical life in Serbia.