
SA§A ASENTI^ Born: Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on sth of Aprii 1977 Sasa Asentic is involved in projects that were either politically inspired or culturali and socially motivated as well as artistically based (re)actions on thè current Situation in transitionai society and performing arts scene. His interest is in re-thinking / experiencing (performer's) state of'l am.. ."through de-sedimentation and understanding of actual reality through artistic / social / politicai (re)actions. Individuali or together with his colleagues, he has initiated and organized severa! international and collaborative performing arts projects (workshops, seminars, Festivals, etc) within last six years. These projects were based on thè idea to improve thè performing arts scene, to establish thè collaborative interdisciplinary work, to develop thè role of art in social transformation, explore phenomena of transitionai age in Serbian society, etc. These efforts resulted in better communication, exchange, production, etc among thè organizations and individuáis in thè región of ex-Yu. He is taking part in work of regional social and politicai initiatives and networks of Centre for Regionalism (Igman Initiative and Civil Dialogue) contributing to its cultural sector. He has autodidactic informai education in thè field of performing arts. He has studied Agriculture and Pedagogy at University in Novi Sad, Serbia. Author and performer of performances My private bio-politics 2007 in Serbian National Theatre (Serbia) Bmm-art in Gallery Izba 2006 (Serbia) Threads in Serbian National Theatre 2005 (Serbia) Die Deutschen sterben aus? in Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau 2004 (Germany) Lizard in d'Orfeu Art Association 2003 (Portugal) Calling the Brook in Sumes Festival 2003 (Rudnik mountain, Serbia) Author of: Indigo Dance artistic-research dance project (2006/2007) Co-author with Ana Vujanovic; Tiger's jump into the history (evacuatedgenealogy) in Museum of Contemporary Arts Vojvodina 2007 (Serbia) Co-author with Olivera Kovacevic Crnjanski: Fragments New Dance Forum - Serbian National Theatre 2005 (Serbia) Also performed in performances: "Kaufhalle"- (Bauhaus Stage Workshop, Germany, 2004) 'Tango Apocalipso"(CTMO and New Dance Forum, Serbia, 2002) "d'Orfusao"- (d'Orfeu Cultural Association, Portugal, 2003) "Danube Express" (CTMO, Serbia, 2002) "Balkan: Alleys of Identity" (International theatre performance and exhibition directed by Scot McElvany, Sonja Kustinez and Ivana Indjin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt-Berlin, 2001) "Fragments of bove Discourse" (International project directed by Tzvetelina Gancheva, National House of Culture in Sofia, 2000 ) "The Moment" (CTMO, Seriba, 2000) Co-author and performer in (1995 - 2005) more then 10 Street and site-specific performances / actions.

look part in Gulliver's Exchange Program 2005; Host Organisation Latvian NewTheatre Institute in Riga Initiator of thè art organization Per. Art. (2005) Author and Initiator of „City Stage" project (2004) Author and leader of Art program for mentally disabled persons (since 1999) Since 1995 look part in performing arts projects / workshops / seminars: *Xavier le Roy - dance workshop *Meg Stuart - dance workshop *Rimini Protokol - theatre workshop *Yoshi Oida's - theatre workshop *Masaki Iwana -white butoh workshop *Julia Varley - voice workshop *Zygmunt Molik - voice workshop *BadCo workshop - Ivana Sajko and Nikolina Pristas performing art workshop *Katalin Ladik - human voice in performing arts workshop *Gaiina Borissova - dance workshop * Vaskresia Vicharova - theatre workshop *Olivera Kovacevic-Crnjanski - dance workshop *Katsura Kahn - butoh workshop *Simone Dietrich - voice workshop *Charlot Boye Christensen - dance workshop Frank - video art workshop *Tanja Zgonc - butoh workshop *Boris Kovac - interdisciplinary research projects (1998-2000) *Centre for Contemporary Performing Arts Experience - education program (1999-2000) * Mike Pearson - site specific workshop *Ana Vujanovic - art in public lectures and research project and others