This is Theatre, Too - Play, Art, Dream...
Sunday, September 16
11:00 - 17:00
Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade
Dance performance of thè NGO„Hi Neighbor"
Collective creation of children, young people and adults, artistically bullt on and developed by Vera Obradovic, choreographer-director. This dance performance is a new moment and a visible step forward, after a series of divergent but connected activities, inciting positive responses that are supportive and directed toward thè future.
„ Hi Neighbor" is a locai non-government and non profit Organization, established in 1992 by a group of developmental psychoiogists. The founders of"Hi Neighbor" are Vesna Ognjenovic, developmental psychologist, Smiljka Ivackovic, psychologist, Svetlana Ivackovic, psychologist, Darinka Andelkovic, psychologist, and Jelena Moraca, psychologist. Their activities are focused on offering development protection and supporr in generai situations of crises, supporting thè building of social relationships and involving a large number of people from different endangered groups.
The workshop activities are created as complex and open interactions, in which thè elements of game and creativity were bullt. The Interactive and playful groups of activities were structured in that way to move, support and integrate individuai and group creativity. The group is in a Constant and liveexchange with social field and represents a creative unitthat is much morethan thè sum ofthe individuai partidpants. During thè workshop activities, thè partidpants express themselves through different modules: movements, gestures, voices, words, songs, drawings, Images and performances. The sequences of activities are placed in such a way to raise an awareness of symbolic means of expression, moving toward thè unexpected, unpredictable manipulation, and also to increase thè awareness ofthe autonomy ofthe means of expression in relation to thè pragmatism of communication.The unusual and unexpected external activity, through a specific means of expression, becomes an opportunity for a symbolic inner activity to be expressed, to be further developed and integrated into a whole. In that way, thè integrity ofthe whole process is being maintained and supported, and its Splitting into thè internai and external activities is being prevented.
“Hi Neighbor" and Vera Obradovic are formai members ofthe International Dance Council CID UNESCO. The message of Alkis Raftis, President ofthe International Dance Council CID UNESCO, which he addressed to thè organizaron "Hi Neighbor", is a support and inspiration for this piiot project to be accepted as a model for other projects, demonstrating a way in which dance can unite people, regardless ofthe differences in their age, background or profession.
Continuing, afterthe performance"Playful Play":
Introductory round table ofthe Bitef Polyphony partidpants
introductory speech; Predrag Ognjenovic, PhD
Partidpants: Slobodan Bestie, Svan Theatre, Boris Caksiran, Erg Status Dance Theatre, Sanja KrsmanovicTasic, Dah Theatre, Tanja Pajovic, Pod Theatre, Ivana Despotovic, Growing Up Theatre, Gordana Lebovic, Omen Theatre, Suncica Milosavljevic, BazaArt, Nela Antonovic, Mimart Theatre of Movement, Zoran Jovanovic, Roma Theatre „Suno e Rromengo", program owners ofthe Ist Bitef Polyphony, and other theatre artists and experts- program owners of thè Bth Bitef Polyphony.
Guest: Sead Dulie, The Youth Theatre of Mestar /Centre fpr Drama Education CDO - National Centre IDEA, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with associates Moderators: Bojana Skorc, Phd, „Hi Neighbor", and Ljubica Beljanski-Ristic, Centre for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM - National Centre Idea, Belgrade, Serbia