Director's note: "... However, I did not choose The Little Prince because ofthe jubitee. I chose it because ofthe themes, such as friendship, love, responsibilityand meaningful existence. These questions bave key signifìcance foryoung people in thè age when they grow from chitdhood into maturity, as valué judgments that they should explore, think through and adopt. On thè other hand, I was aware that thè staging ofThe Little Prince was not a smali risk... With freedom inherent in thè game, Saint-Exupéry utilizes poetic tools that he needs to forward thè story at a given moment... Symbolic vocabulary and piayfui, syncretic ways of composing thè poetic structure, at a glance create an Impression that The Little Prince is a work for children. On thè other hand, profound anatysis of thè style and thè story reveáis a philosophical piane which makes this hook one ofthe most important works of art ofour civilization. As "there is no coincidence" - according to thè supporters ofnew-age philosophy - The Little Prince attracted attention at thè right moment for thè whole world.
Presentaron ofthe festival foryoung audience. Cultural Centre Smederevo
PATOSoffIRANJE is an international theatre and multimedia festival for young audiences, consisting of theatre workshops, music (percussion) workshops, theatre performances, Happenings, exhibitions, concerts, video projections and panel discussions. The purpose ofthe Festival is to introduce Contemporary artistic trends to young and other urban audience, but also to animate them to take part in thè creation of art, and in that way it also serves an educational purpose. The Festival target groups are primarily young people, but also middle generation dtizens with urban sensibility, eager to get acquainted with thè Contemporary artistic trends.
Performance and presentaron of thè international projects "Nomad Scene", project by Koreja Theatre, Lecce, Itaiy, support by Regione Puglia, CEI, Italian Cultural Institute Belgrade and Cultural Centre Smederevo
Author ofthe project: Salvatore Tramacere, director of Teatro Koreja, Lecce, Itaiy
Performance and presentation participants: members of Roma Information Centre DROOM and Youth Theatre PATOS from Smederevo.
Thirty-minute long"Beggar's Opera" was created as a result of theatre workshop within thè international Project"Nomad Scenes" ofthe Cultural Centre Smederevo, in assodation with Teatro Koreja from Lecce, Itaiy, and Roma Information Centre DROOM from Smederevo. The first phase ofthe project included two-week long workshop and thè presentation ofthe performance"Beggar's Opera", based on Bertolt Brecht's'Threepenny Opera".
The performers in this production are young Roma people and actors from Youth Theatre PATOS. The focus of this project is thè engagement of Roma communities in artistic projects, in order to give support to their cultural identity, social and cultural integration, development of cooperative opportunities, to establish cultural links and communication models and thè dialogue between communities and institutions. The increased interest of European cultural centers for integration of ethnic minorities and presentation of their cultural valúes make these projects espedally significane because ofthe Roma Decade that was, as an initiative, accepted by eight countries of Central and Southeast Europe, and supported by international community.
Wednesday, September 19 11:00-17:00
Cultural Institution "Vuk Karadzic"
Interactive performances "Wizards of O.Z,"and"Truth or Challenge" with work presentations are thè starting point for discussion and presentation of thè work ofthe NGOs that work with marginalized groups and sensitive issues.
Interactive performance with NGO ApsArt presentation
Author of thè project; Aleksandra delie, director
Performance and presentation participants: a group of convicts from thè Special Prison Hospital, supporting personnel and wardens
Performance with presentation and explication. This type of performance, with live participation of thè workshop participants, is significami in three aspeets. First, thè work was a great joy and satisfaction for thè convicts themselves, because whatthey were working on would rise beyond thè prison walls and step into thè free interaction with thè audience. Then, in thè wider social context, that will be a significant moment showing democratization and opening of institutions of this type and, ultimately, their linking with cultural institutions and producís. Also, for thè visitors that come to this presentation this will be a whole new experience, and probably a different view on thè fallen and stigmatized people.