Work based on thè experiences of "Play", Danish Interactive performance for children produced byTheatre "Carte Blanche"from Viborg, Denmark.The workshops will last four days, six hours a day. The goal is to create professional and artistic base for producing Serbian versión of performance "Play". Within thè workshop, Danish versión of thls performance will be discussed.The work is done in groups through storytelling exercises, physical Improvisation and role playing. The third day will be open for rehearsals with children. The work will be monitored and recorded in thè form of video and written documentation. Through thè four day workshop with all thè participants, thè future artistic team will be created, which will, in thè following period, work on thè Serbian versión of thè performance "Play", as thè production of thè partner project ofTheatre "Bosko Buha" and with thè support of ASSITEJ from Serbia and Denmark.
Danish performance "Play"is thè production of "Carte Bianche" and Performance Theatre BIDT. It is a performance about thè nature of playing. Imaginative play- when weforgetthe reality. Serious play-when we encounter dangers. Entertaining play-when we laugh atourselves. Cruel play - when some are inside, and thè others outside. In thè performance, thè grown ups play.They create words from nothing. From time to time they take us with them. To desert islands, forbidden adventures, through impossible terrains of snow, ice or sand... They invite usto listen about thè times when they were adults and when they forgot how important it is to play. In this performance thè children are not only thè audience, but also participants and buddies in thè play, in thè world that thè players create according to their imagination and Imagination ofthe children, with thè promise that they will keep playing for as long as they live.
"... Brilliant performance, Wonderful journey through many aspects of playing. The performance concepì is brilliant, for it gives back to thè children thè magic of storytelling..." (Politiken)
Me and You + Something in Between
Monday-Thursday, September 24 - 27
from 10:00
Cultural Centre "Stari grad"and Italien Institute for Culture
Intercultural encounter with whole-day long workshops and other activities, NGO Hop.Lal, Belgrade, Serbia
Author and coordinator of thè program: Irena Ristic, director, Hop.Lal
What are thè postúlales of an authentic human encounter? Can we isolate it from social and historical assumptions, without it loosing its full sense? Do thè debates about cultural, ethnic, religious and social prejudices speed up thè integrative process or just deepen thè existing divides? How well do we really know each other?
„Me and You" is an introduction into a theatre program of intercultural dialogue inspirad by thè Martin Buber's bookwith thè sametitle and dedicated to artistic analysis of encounter in thè context ofthe disunities ofthe early twenty first Century civilization. The phenomenon of encounter is explored through an intimate human experience in thè clash with a specific social framework, and thè initial questions become Inspiration for thè new Project. Düring five days there will be workshops, round tables and discussion groups, and after them there will be a public presentaron of new artistic projects conceived during thè creative exchanges ofthe participants. Independent theatre artists from different parts of Europe will take pari in this program: Adrian Gillot and AnneTobart (Great Britain), Silvia Spechtenhauser (Italy), Andreia Sophia Luis de Almeida (Portugal), Oystein Ulsberg Brager (Norway), Simona Semenic (Slovenia), Eva Backman, Gunilla Bergerham and Zoja Paronen (Sweden), Bogdan Florea (Romania), Malwen Voirin and Ariane Labed (France), Natasa and Boris Kadin (Croatia), Dimitrije Stojanovic, Ljiljana Tasic, Andjelka Nikolicand Maja Ladoiez (Serbia). Moderators ofthe workshops that will be held from September 24 to 27, are theatre directors Irena Ristic (Hop.Lal) and Jadranka Andelic (Dah Theatre), and psychodrama therapist Ivana Slavkovic, (NGO"Susret"). Final presentations of new projects are scheduled for September 28,2007.The program also ineludes a round table on the occassion ofthe annual meeting of EON (European Off-Theater Network). Within the round table "The principie of cross-breeding in Contemporary artistic practice", there will be more discussion about thè basic principies ofthe EON network and its development. Participants: Sabina Kock (IG Freie Theaterarbeit, Austria), Sean Aite (Forest Forge, Great Britain), Jadranka Andelic (Dah Theatre, Serbia), Michele Losi (Scarlattine Theatre, Italy) i Edwige Paulin (Ikos Festival, Italy).The round table will be held in the Italian Institute for Culture, September 26, at 15.00.
The program was supported by: Italian Institute for Culture, Austrian Cultural Forum, French Cultural Centre and Romanian Embassy in Belgrade, Cultural Centre „Stari Grad" and CEDEUM Centre for Drama in Education and Art.