Düring the 34th Bitef Festival in 2000, a program called "Polyphony"took place.The slogan of thè Festival was„Theatre and Evil" and Bitef Polyphony explored the subject of violence through the presentation and evaluation of the project„Art for Social Change - Play Against Violence", by European Cultural Foundation from Amsterdam and thè network Open Society Fund in seven countries of Southeast Europe, through twenty seven pilot projects led by theatre artists working with young people. All the projects were intended for the artists and their role in working with young people in situations of crisis, war, conflicts... With their pilot projects, the following organizations presented themselves: CENPI Centre for New Theatre and Dance, ANET Association of Independent Theatres and CEDEUM Centre for Drama in Education and Art through thè collaborative project called "Play for Life".
Since 2001, thè program is being held under the name Bitef Polyphony. The Organizers are Bitef Festival and CEDEUM, Centre for Drama in Educationa and Art (National centre IDEA, International Association for ОгатаЯЬеаГге and Education), In 2001, Bitef Festival explored the subject "Eros & Ethos", and the 2nd Bitef Polyphony offered "New Harmonies" within the project of training and workshops that were based on author's approach, working methods and processes of evaluation under the name i.create@therefore.i,exist.
The theme of the 36th Bitef Festival -„New (World) Theatre Order" - inspired the 3rd Bitef Polyphony, with thè title„Make Your Voice Heard -Toward New Drama and Theatre in Education", to explore some „global questions"of innovative practices of theatre artists in different areas of artistic, educational and social work. Bitef Polyphony presented various methods and strategies of training through process-drama and theatre.
The theme ofthe 37th Bitef Festival in 2003 was„The Future ofTheatre is in Philosophy" (Bertolt Brecht), and within this theme, the4th Bitef Polyphony had a sub-theme „This is the Real World - Why Theatre". In focus were thè questions that just began to emerge and to search for answers, when it comesto interdisciplinarity and multiculturalism in working with young people in drama and theatre, but also the questions being raised by the introduction of "drama and movement" into the formal educational curriculum, and those lendendes, in our country and around thè world, in thè area known as„Drama/Theatre in Education".
Adjusting to the theme ofthe 38th Bitef Festival in 2004, which was"NewTendencies... And Other Passions", Bitef Polyphony had a title "New Sensations... And Other Passions". It explored the reform changes and development projects within which the work with young people through theatre reveáis and opens increasingly more its areas of activity, in both formal and informal education, and other areas such as social and health secuhty and the like, espedally in connection with sensitive subjects.
The 39th Bitef Festival in 2005 had a multilayered title with a very complex meaning„On the Trail of Fairytale and Anti-Fairytale", and the 6th Bitef Polyphony, with its program settings, also found itself „On the Trail of Fairytale..." but it moved toward"... theatre for big and small personal stohes". In 2005, Bitef Polyphony was dedicated to the great fairytale artist Hans Christian Andersen. The individual program blocks were given tilles after his books, and were thematic stimuiations for exploring the universal questions, those that people aiways bave a need to talk about, still searching for answers, both in reality that surround them and imagination or fantastic worlds of fictional creatures and phenomena.
The4oth jubilee Bitef, with a titlejheatre Adventure 1967-2006" inspired the 7th Bitef Polyphony to also mark its activities during the previous seven years.The title was„Vahations for Life... Adventures ofTheatre in Education for Social Changes, 2000 - 2006". Bitef Polyphony was espedally concerned with current issues of everyday life ofyoung people, and their growing-up, education, integration into society, sensitive questions and issues, relationship between generations, people, nations, cultures... The important place was given to partner projects, inclusive and intercultural approaches, and international Support to these types of activities.