Stage Design on Bitef
Bìtef and thè Group for Stage Design, Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, UnivSßpf Arts in Belgrade Program coordinators and moderators: Radivoje Dìnulovic, professor. University of Arts in Belgrade Aleksandar Brkic, senior associate. University of Arts in Belgrade Darko Nikolic, technical production manager
It's thè fifth year that thè Group for Stage Design at thè University of Arts in collaboration with BITEF, has been introducing new and interesting phenomena in thè fields related to stage design (set, costume, light and OTmd design), as well as theatre producers, technical managers and theatre architects, to our young people and Professionals, through a series of encounters with artists from these fields that are "adjacent" to theatre. This year again, thè program will take place in theatrical spaces and OBONE Gallery. Those who are interested will bave an opportunity to bear more about thè appearance of Serbia on this year's Prague Quadrennial and thè topìcs introduced by our team for that occasion. Tomi Janezic, a guest from Slovenia, and Andrey Moguchy from Russia will explore thè relationship between dramatic and theatrical spaces, and with thè Macbeth crew from Düsseldorf, we will have a chance to talk about similarities and differences in thè process of working on technical productions here and in Germany.
Program Monday, September 17,16:00 Radivoje Dìnulovic, architect Branko Pavic, graphìc artìst Aleksandar Brkic, producer THEATRE-POUTICS-CITY: SERBIA ON PQO7 OBONE Gallery Thursday, September 20,16:00 JelenaTodorovic, art historian SERBIA AFTER 2000; SPACES OF POWER, MEMORY AND GROTESQUE OBONE Gallery Monday, September 25,16:00 Tomi Janezic, director BETWEEN DRAMATIC AND THEATRICAL SPACE Atelje2l2 Thursday, September 27, 16:00 Andrey Mogucy, director BUILDING OFTHEATRICAL SPACE JDP Sunday, September 30,16:00 Technical crew of Macbeth TECHNICAL PRODUCTION IN GERMANY: CASE STUDY: "MACBETH" SNP, Novi Sad